Italian: Language and Culture

bmhit1222  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Italian: Language and Culture
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing the course ‘Mastering Italian', students will acquire advanced language skills in Italian to express themselves coherently, fluently and appropriately in relation to a variety of sociocultural subjects, whilst using an appropriate and varied vocabulary. This module aims to get students' language proficiency up to level B2 of the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Language).
The course will be divided into two parts:
Language practice (Q1): The first term will focus mainly on language practice. The teachers will deal with various topics such as the world of work, the environment, communication and social media, the evolution of the family, and so forth.
Culture (Q2): The second term will be devoted to an in-depth study of Italian culture. Ms Fontana will deal with different periods, from the Middle Ages to Romanticism, covering contents related to art, music (opera) and literature. Mr Ferrari will look at contemporary Italian culture, looking at topics such as cinema, comics, fiction and non-fiction, the singer-songwriter genre and politics.
Teaching methods
Students perform language tasks in front of the class or in small groups. In order for the lessons to run smoothly, these oral and written assignments must be prepared in advance by studying vocabulary and content from various sources such as newspaper articles and essays, audio and video files that are to be mastered before each lesson. During oral presentations, students present the results of their research based on reliable written and video sources, including the vocabulary related to the chosen content. If time permits, they may also lead a short debate.
Evaluation methods
In order to obtain the credits related to a UE, the student must take all parts of the examination related to the UE (whether they concern learning activities - AA - or parts of the course).
Attendance is compulsory: 2 unjustified absences are allowed per term. In addition to these absences, each new absence must be justified by a medical certificate or a duly substantiated written excuse.
With regard to the method of assessment adopted by the two teachers, please note the following:
as regards the course taught by Mr. Ferrari:
Q1: Continuous assessment including three oral presentations (the dates of these presentations will be announced on the first day of class) and oral examination during the January examination session.
Q2: Continuous assessment including two oral presentations (the dates of these presentations will be announced on the first day of the course) and oral examination during the June examination session.
In the August exam session, students will be tested on the subject matter seen in class throughout the year depending on the content of the programme (1st and/or 2nd term) that has to be resat. Oral examination.
As regards the course taught by Ms Fontana:
Q1: Continuous assessment and two oral presentations.
Q2: Continuous assessment, two oral presentations during the term, the preparation of an essay (the deadline and modalities of this written work will be communicated by the professor in due course) and a written examination in the last class.
In the August session, students will be tested on three topics that have been covered in class during the year, with particular reference to the part of the course (1st and/or 2nd term) that has to be retaken; namely, one subject chosen and prepared by the student via a PPT presentation (based on an individual research) to be sent 5 working days before the exam to the teacher, and two other subjects chosen by the teacher and on which she will ask questions. Oral Examination.

The overall grade for the course is an average calculated according to the procedures described in this sheet (see the information provided in this section). If you fail the AA, you are invited to consult the details of the marks on the MOODLE page of the course. A mark equal to or higher than 10/20 for a part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second (or third) session and may not be repeated, provided that all parts have been taken.
Sites des grands quotidiens italiens (La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, La Stampa etc.), de Garzanti Linguistica, de Hoepli, de la Treccani. T. Marin et F. Di Paolo, La nuova prova orale 2, Roma: Edilingua, 2020, M. de Biasio et P. Garofalo, Mosaico Italia, Roma: Edilingua, 2008, etc.
Teaching materials
  • Pour la partie de M. Ferrari (Q1): le syllabus « Italien : Pratique de la langue »
  • Pour la partie de M. Ferrari (Q2): le syllabus « Italien : Culture »
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting