History of Spanish Literature

broma1312  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

History of Spanish Literature
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of the course, the student must be able to identify the principal authors and their context as well as explain the contents of the most representative works from each period.
The course proposes a general and historical overview of the Spanish literary heritage from the Middle Ages up to the present day, through the texts, authors and schools or movements which constitute this heritage.

1. Origen de la literatura castellana
2. Edad Media
3. Renacimiento
4. Siglo de Oro
5. Neoclasicismo
6. Romanticismo
7. Realismo / Naturalismo
8. Generación del 98
Teaching methods
Lectures on the history of Spanish literature.
Text analyses involving active student participation in addition to numerous preparatory or complementary readings prior to the class sessions.
Identification of the texts in the work of an author, a literary movement, comments, analysis, text interpretation.
Personal assignments
Evaluation methods
During the year                 tests, presentations    20%
At the end of the course, written examination 60%
                                           and oral examination     20 %
Unless otherwise stated, the use of generative AI is of course forbidden for any activity subject to evaluation.
In the event that part of the teaching may be carried out remotely, students will receive their instructions by Moodle. Students’ active participation in these activities is strongly required. The assignments and the activities carried out through distance learning will also be included in the continuous assessment grade.
Any modification (contents, evaluation, schedule, and so forth)  will be notified via Moodle.
Ce cours s'appuie sur un choix de nombreux extraits littéraires rassemblés pour la plupart dans un syllabus.

* Syllabus.
* Textes, extraits filmiques et auditifs.
* Castilleja Diana (2008). L'essai : perspectives théoriques et l'exemple hispano-américain. Paris : L'Harmattan.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General