Listening comprehension and oral expression: specialized German oral exercises - Part 2

lalle2712  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Listening comprehension and oral expression: specialized German oral exercises - Part 2
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Peters Charlotte (compensates Rinder Ann); Rinder Ann (coordinator);
B2 level of listening and speaking (Common European Framework for languages).
Main themes
Intercultural communication, the environment, energy in the future, university and students looking for a job.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of this master the students have reached oral communication skills in German for the business world level
  • C1 minimum (for listening comprehension) and
  • B2+ (for oral expression and interactive communication)
of the European Reference Framework.
  • Reading and listening comprehension based on various audio and video documents: monologues, dialogues, formal and colloquial registers, different accents.
  • Oral expression through a variety of oral exercises: discussions, debates, presentations, teamwork, pronunciation exercises.
Teaching methods
  • Global and analytical listening comprehension.
  • Vocabulary explanation, vocabulary exercises, oral exercises based on the given themes.
  • Speaking exercises in steps: discovery/ re-discovery of specific language functions, individual preparation or in pairs/ teams, completion of exercise, oral or written feedback on exercise, more practice based on feedback.
Evaluation methods
Several marks come into account for the final assessment:
  • Final grade:
    • 60% exam in week 13:
      • 30% oral exam: on the topics of the course and the presentation, on the tandem experience and on pronunciation
      • 30% written exam: listening comprehension, vocabulary questions
    • 40% continuous assessment:
      • 20% presentation (use of artificial intelligence prohibited for generating content, but allowed for improving language)
      • 10% attendance
      • 10% participation
  • August exam: the continuous assessment grade is not taken into account.
    • 40% written exam:  listening comprehension, vocabulary questions
    • 20% presentation (use of artificial intelligence prohibited for generating content, but allowed for improving language)
    • 40% oral exam: on the topics of the course and the presentation, on the tandem experience and on pronunciation
These exam and teaching modalities could be transposed to online teaching and assessment should the public health context require it.
Other information
  • The teacher is available during her office hours and can be contacted by e-mail.
  • English-friendly course: course taught in German but offering facilities in English (and French).
Online resources
Teaching materials
  • syllabus du cours sur moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Multilingual Communication