Advanced English

langl1700  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Advanced English
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Byrne Timothy (coordinator); Denis Philippe (coordinator);
Level B2 of the CEFR
Main themes
Topics relating to the students' future professional life, current affairs. The topics covered are flexible because discussions are based on articles posted on Moodle, which can be changed to keep the course up-to-date. Students can choose topics to cover.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The aim of this course is to develop communication skills (particularly speaking skills) and to reach level C1 of the CEFR in speaking and writing.
    1 Reading:
    • be able to read with ease a variety of general and professional texts
    2 Listening:
    • be able to understand lectures, debates and interviews
    3 Speaking:
    • be able to speak about general subjects and own subject speciality, and
    • to participate in debates and discussions.
    4 Writing:
    • be able to write a book review;
    • be able to express an opinion on current topics and participate in an online forum.
    1. LANGL1700P:
    This course, entitled English through Film, given by Timothy J. BYRNE in the first quad, is intended for students who already have a B2+ to C1 level. It aims at a C1+ or even C2 level. The productive skills, speaking and writing, will be worked on in a communicative way: film extracts will be used as a starting point for conversations and written productions, and each student will approach their productions (oral and written) from their own academic perspective.
    (focus on sustainable development, transition and the SDGs, as well as on EDI, equity, diversity and inclusion)
    2. LANGL1700S:
    This student-driven seminar course, given by Philippe J. DENIS in the second quad, is equally divided into 4 distinctive parts.
    I. Language and Cultural Matters: For practice only 
    II. The Student-Led Class Challenge
    II. The Creative, Academic Writing & Public Speaking Project
    IV. The Employee Spotlighting Project
    Entry Level B2+ or beyond
    All 4 skills are honed to a similar extent but only productive activities are assessed: II. III. IV.
    Originality. This interactive seminar is student-production-centered and as such, it aims at developing learning autonomy strategies.
    I. LANGUAGE MATTERS = Formative practice towards projects           +/- 4 class hours
    I. CULTURE MATTERS = Pure training towards 2 challenges              +/- 6 class hours
    II. THE STUDENT-LED CLASS CHALLENGE           30%   +/- 6 class hour
    Theme                     Your field of study
    Presenter(s)            A 2-or 3-member team (or solo performer)
    Timing                     30 minutes for 3, 40 for 4 people
    A series of learner-centered training sessions coach the participants to present their BA thesis or in-depth research both orally and on paper. To this end, the students take up specific challenges, ranging from the art of pitching a subject to that of speaking up in public and fielding questions with confidence.
    IV. THE EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHTING PROJECT     30% +/- 3 class hours
    The teacher relies on an actual, Canadian consultancy firm to achieve professional authenticity and credibility throughout the writing process. The all-time forgotten aptitude, writing, receives its fair share of attention through customized, tool-giving activities for modern communication in the academic and professional world.
    Teaching methods
    1. LANGL1700P:
    A total number of maximum 15 students will be admitted to this course.
    The student loses 25 % of their grade of they are absent more than twice withour any form of justification.
    2. LANGL1700S:
    The course is highly interactive with a group size of 15-20 students. Lessons consist of discussions, role plays and debates.

    Such contemporary methodologies as CLIL, blended learning, flipped classroom are put into practice.
    The course aims to develop both fluency and accuracy, in both productive skillsThat class participation is crucial to your progress cannot be stressed enough. Attendance is therefore compulsory and personal investment, valued and rewarded.
    Evaluation methods
    1. LANGL1700P:
    Total of 170 points to be accumulated throughout term:
    10 marks: attendance and active participation (formative assessment)
    20 marks: contribution to the visit to the Louvain-la-Neuve Musée L (certificative assessment)
    20 marks: contribution to 5 forums on the Moodle course platform (formative assessment)
    40 marks: writing a review of a film of the student's choice (certificative assessment)
    40 marks: doing a group film presentation (certificative assessment)
    40 marks: oral exam: presentation of the student's final thesis (certificative assessment)
    The students’ awareness will be raised about the advantages and shortcomings of the use of generative AI in their oral and written production.
    2. LANGL1700S:

    It is your duty, as a team (or solo performer), to design and conduct a participative immersion class about your disciplinary theme, i.e. to have the audience interact on a subject of your own choosing. Student involvement accounts for 40% of the mark; your language command when speaking ex-cathedra, 60%. In other words, you are expected to teach and lead. Dare to be adventurous but remember to make the content accessible and palatable to laypeople, your audience. PLEASE DO NOT READ IT ALL OUT!!!
    A visual support, be it a (PowerPoint/Genially/Canva…) slideshow, and/or a more playful device a (Wooclap, Kahoot…) is a prerequisite to get the attendees focused and active.
    If in doubt, please have your topic approved beforehand - to be on the safe side.

    The oral defense monologue is scheduled to last 3 to 4 minutes (as part of the challenge), to be followed by a 3-to-4-minute question-and-answer interview.
    The written log or portfolio feature 3 stages of development as 3 documents:
    1) The Abstract, 2) the Summary and 3) the final, meant-to-be-spoken Script.
    Please refer to the related Padlet and Moodle page section for examples and guidance.
    The Oral Defence: 20 marks / The Portfolio: 10 marks
    Throughout the term, students should speak and write both in and out of the classroom. With the help of a classmate, everyone is expected to design one customized, state-of-the-art presentation page of their academic and/or professional self (with a photograph and a bullet-point section), which could be posted on a LinkedIn-like website. During the interview, the teacher navigates through that modern-style CV to find out more about the student’s background, skills, qualities and potential career path(s).
    The Written Profile: 20 marks / the Oral Interview: 10 marks
    1. LANGL1700P: plateforme Moodle du cours
    2. LANGL1700S: plateforme Moodle du cours
    Teaching materials
    • LANGL1700S: Advanced Interfaculty Course: Student-Led Training. On paper and on Moodle
    Faculty or entity

    Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

    Title of the programme
    Learning outcomes
    Master [120] in Linguistics

    Master [120] in Human Resources Management