Architectural design studio : local & international exploration

lbari2101  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Gilles

Architectural design studio : local & international exploration
20.00 credits
240.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Main themes
The architectural project takes time. Repetition is required to innovate between lines. Moreover, questions and proposals evolve in the iteration. Finally, the more demanding the situation, the more the architect must get rid of a priori ideas in order to challenge paradigms. On the strength of these conditions, the two " Architectural design " Master's studios have the common objective of deepening the Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor's program towards the proficiency of the Master's Learning Outcomes and to initiate the students in research by design. Understanding the various challenges of the discipline requires the integration of a multidisciplinary approach and relies in particular on teamwork between peers. The questions addressed within the studio cover scales ranging from the territorial context to the materiality of an edifice, with a view to synthesizing them in an architectural project. To respond to these themes, students develop programs addressing the mix of inhabited spaces (from qualified individual living, to "all-in-one" collective living) within complex territories.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to develop and integrate into an architectural project the following skills, taken from the LO reference system
*Design a project
Articulate and develop, according to a mastered logic, natural and artificial environments (landscape, urban, building) at different scales of complexity
State and prioritize intentions in order to make choices
Understand, experiment and synthesize, through an architectural project, the layout of places
Analyze, manipulate, think, invent through drawing, modeling, artistic practices
Adopt methodical, creative, metaphorical, perceptive, collaborative approaches
*Experiment with an artistic approach
Reformulate, appropriate a question asked and imagine, produce and explore multiple possible answers
*Construct a personal architectural culture
Look for references which, by analogy, open up other interpretations of the context
*Situate a design action
Experiment and evaluate the possibilities of transforming a context
*Mobilize other disciplines
Encounter other concepts and methods, exchange and nourish architectural reflection
*Materialize the technical dimension
Observe and evaluate the constructive principles that generate a formal, material and temporal dimension of architecture
Discern and reformulate an intuitive understanding of structures in order to materialize a creative, inventive and/or innovative architectural production
*Express an architectural approach
Identify the foundations of a hypothesis or a proposition in order to express and communicate them
Choose the appropriate means of communication according to the public and the objectives targeted
*Adopt a professional attitude
Organize, plan, develop and synthesize individual or collective work
*Make committed choices
Formulate ambitious proposals capable of challenging societal norms
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Architecture (Bruxelles) [International Master - in English]