- Dimethylsulfide in brewery
- Bitter compounds in hop
- Flavours and precursors in hop
- Malt and hop polyphenols
- Nitrogen compounds through boiling and colloidal stability
- Foam structure
- Wort boiling technology
- Dry-hopping techniques and bottle refermentation
Practical laboratories:
- Official methods for hop analysis
- Official methods for beer analysis
- Production of a beer in the microbrewery
- Bitter compounds in hop
- Flavours and precursors in hop
- Malt and hop polyphenols
- Nitrogen compounds through boiling and colloidal stability
- Foam structure
- Wort boiling technology
- Dry-hopping techniques and bottle refermentation
Practical laboratories:
- Official methods for hop analysis
- Official methods for beer analysis
- Production of a beer in the microbrewery
Online resources
- Collin S. Traité de brasserie en 2 volumes, Dunod, 2022, ISBN : 978-2-10-083186-9 et 978-2-10-083189-0.
Teaching materials
- Le Traité de brasserie en 2 volumes, S. Collin (paru chez Dunod en 2022) est le support principal du cours. Sur Moodle sont également disponibles les slides et les protocoles des travaux pratiques
- "Traité de brasserie" Vol. 1 & 2, S. Collin (Dunod, 2022) is required, as well as all materials available on the Moodle platform (slides and scientific articles presented during the course, practical work protocols).
Faculty or entity