Elements of inorganic and analytical chemistry

lchm1231  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Elements of inorganic and analytical chemistry
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 50.0 h
It is recommended to have acquired the knowledge and skills developed in the teaching unit:
LCHM1111Chimie générale
Main themes
The theoretical presentation covers the general properties of the elements and main compounds of the s and p blocks of the periodic table.
It also includes an introduction to the transition elements (d block) and to metallurgy, as well as to the lanthanides and actinides.
The first chapter deals in a general way with the periodicity of chemical and physico-chemical properties.
The second chapter is devoted to an introduction to radioactivity.
The third chapter deals with hydrogen and its binary compounds.
The following chapters are devoted to the different families of the periodic table.
In each of these, the characteristic properties of the group, the obtaining, the properties and the most important uses of the elements and their principal compounds are described in succession. Attention is drawn to the economic and geostrategic aspects of the supply of raw materials, as well as to the dangers that the various simple bodies and compounds can present for the individual and the environment.
During the practical exercises, the students approach the qualitative analysis of the most common cations and anions in aqueous solution. The set of analyses covers about fifty ionic species.
The analytical approach is based on the exploitation of the chemical properties of the elements according to their position in the periodic table.
The student must have a perfect command of the simultaneous use of acid-base, precipitation, complexation and oxidation-reduction properties.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 During the practical exercises, the students approach the qualitative analysis of the most common cations and anions in aqueous solution.
The set of analyses covers about fifty ionic species. The analytical approach is based on the exploitation of the chemical properties of the elements according to their position in the periodic table.
The student must have a perfect command of the simultaneous use of acid-base, precipitation, complexation and oxidation-reduction properties.
Teaching methods
Lecture supplemented by practical work on inorganic qualitative analysis in the laboratory.
Evaluation methods
Written exam supplemented by an oral exam
Other information
Participation in the practical work is MANDATORY.
Any unexcused absence will in principle be penalized by a negative mark of 5 points on the final mark of LCHM1231 taken into account in the deliberation, and may, depending on the degree of recurrence and the assessment of the situation by those in charge of the teaching, result in a non-negotiable final mark of zero out of 20.
Should the number of unjustified and/or justified absences become significant, the holder reserves the right to activate the articles of the RGEE allowing the jury to prohibit the student from registering for the corresponding exam.
Liste exhaustive d'ouvrages de référence fournie dans le volume 1 des notes de cours obligatoires.
Teaching materials
  • Notes de cours en 2 volumes. Fascicule de travaux pratiques.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Chemistry