Didactics and epistemology of chemistry - 2d degree

lchm2340c  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Didactics and epistemology of chemistry - 2d degree
2.00 credits
18.5 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Didactics and Epistemology of Science Course : LSCI2320
Main themes
The topics covered are those related to teaching chemistry in the second grade :
  •     Conceptual difficulties related to the topics to be taught in chemistry,
  •     The interest and exploitation of experimental or non-experimental activities, essential in chemistry,
Practical sessions on the implementation of essential experiments in chemistry and analysis of learning difficulties.
This part of the teaching unit LCHM2340 aims to "equip" students to become future chemistry teachers at the D2 level. The aim is not only to present didactic elements relating to the teaching of chemistry at the D2 level, but also to ensure the transfer and appropriation of these tools by future teachers through course preparation.
Teaching methods
Teaching activities are those recommended in secondary education: group work, lectures, flipped classes, practical work, laboratory sessions... mainly co-constructed with students.
Evaluation methods
Students registered for the agrégation in geography or mathematics, taking module LCHM2340 C only, are assessed in January as follows:
  • Activity 1: Chemistry laboratory activities: 20% of total grade
  • Activity 2: Written test (November) on the basic concepts to be taught in D2 chemistry: 10% of total grade
  • Activity 3: 10-hour observation internship report in chemistry: 30% of total grade
  • Activity 4: Individual written assessment (January) on concepts covered in chemistry didactics and epistemology: 40% of total grade.
Each of these 4 activities must be passed with a mark equal to or higher than 10/20 for this UE to be passed. The absorbing mark principle is applied to this UE.
Attendance is required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, the course instructor may propose to the jury that a student who has not attended at least 80% of the courses in the January or September session be refused registration.
Other information
LCHM2340 C is an optional course for students taking the agrégation in geography or mathematics. It can only be taken if LSCI2320 has been taken beforehand.
The LCHM2340 C course is given in Q1 during S8 to 14 for 2 hours a week (15h equivalent to 2 credits).
Online resources
on Moodle UCLouvain, acronym LCHM2340.
The site contains documents presented and used during classes, and allows students to submit their own productions.
Des ouvrages et publications scientifiques en relation avec les disciplines enseignées et avec la didactique seront présentés lors des cours.


Works and scientific publications related to the disciplines taught and to didactics will be presented during the courses.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Mathematics

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Geography

Master [120] in Mathematics

Master [120] in Geography : General