Students who do not hold a Master's degree may include an optional work placement (5 ECTS credits) in their programme during the second four-month period.
Students must work the equivalent of four weeks full-time (38 hours) at their placement. Their working time may be broken down in various ways (full-time then part-time work, spread over several months, interruption of the placement, etc.). The breakdown of the placement should be agreed with the placement supervisor and set out in detail in the placement project.
Students must work the equivalent of four weeks full-time (38 hours) at their placement. Their working time may be broken down in various ways (full-time then part-time work, spread over several months, interruption of the placement, etc.). The breakdown of the placement should be agreed with the placement supervisor and set out in detail in the placement project.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Information and Communication