Become a tutor

lepl2351  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Become a tutor
3.00 credits
15.0 h + 30.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Prerequisite : having acquired a sufficient level of proficiency in the subject area to be used as application area for this course and being accepted as a candidate for tutoring groups for a course in this subject area. Assessment: the student will be assessed on the basis of a report submitted by the internship supervisor and on the basis of the portfolio. Recommended reading: Jaques, D., Learning in Groups, Kogan Page, London, 1998. Forsyth, D. R., Group Dynamics (Fourth Edition), Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 2005.
Main themes
Main themes What is a group and what do we know about the behaviour of groups ? Communication within a group What is learning ? Objectives and aims of learning groups Roles and behaviours of tutors Assessment of group work.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

After completing this course, students will be able to manage groups of learners engaged in collaborative learning in a specific domain, under different learning conditions and in various learning environments. They will know how to create, develop, and maintain a suitable cooperation frame of mind among group members and they will know how to react when faced with various problems within a group.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled "Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit".
Teaching prepares students to become teaching tutors in a variety of contexts (practical work, project-based learning, laboratories, consultancy, questions/answers, etc.).
Teaching provides pedagogical content: how we learn, learning theories, how to help students become autonomous, why students should work in groups. It also enables you to develop your posture as a supervisor: what are my learning preferences, how to communicate better orally, how to formulate constructive feedback, how to prepare yourself to manage conflicts between people...
Teaching methods
  • Internships :
    • Supervision of group dynamics for 6 BAC1 students in S1
    • Supervision of a technical discipline course during the four-month term.
  • Teaching :
    •  Mandatory sessions in S1 :
      • Welcome (Monday lunchtime)
      • Starter pack to become a tutor (1 evening)
    •  Optional modules in the form of flipped classes:
      • On Moodle for each module (see below), familiarize yourself with the resources and submit an individual assignment (portfolio)
      • Choose to study 3 modules in greater depth and attend in person
        •  learning and motivation
        •  observation and feedback
        •  oral communication
        •  managing conflict situations
        •  group dynamics
Evaluation methods
The tutor must be present for the internships, attend the S1 sessions and the 3 modules he/she has chosen.
In addition, he/she must complete the work/portfolio on Moodle for all modules (even those he/she does not attend). This portfolio will serve as the basis for an oral assessment. The assessment grid is provided online and commented on by the course teachers.
Other information
The participation in this course is strictly linked to the fact the the tutor-candidate has been previously selected by a teacher/responsible of a course/dsicpline in which the tutor plans to act. He/she will then be tutor during the next quadrimester.
The recruitement and selection process starts at the end of the second quadrimester of the previous academic year aroud mid-May to end of June following a procedure set up by EPL secretariat.  The selection procedure ends after the exams deliberations of the second session of the previous academic year.
The candidate shall be aware that this tutor teaching activities start the VERY first day of the quadrimester during which they will act as junior-tutor for the first time.
Online resources     >> cours  >>  LEPL2351-2352
Voir le site Moodle  /  See the Moodle website of the activity
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Chemical and Materials Engineering

Master [120] in Civil Engineering

Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering

Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering

Master [120] in Electrical Engineering

Master [120] in Physical Engineering

Master [120] in Computer Science and Engineering

Master [120] in Computer Science

Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering

Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering

Master [120] in Data Science Engineering

Master [120] in Data Science: Information Technology

Master [120] in Energy Engineering