Logic and Epistemology (Advanced Studies)

lfilo2171  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Logic and Epistemology (Advanced Studies)
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
Each year, the course will select a particular theme in logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, in epistemology or a theme that cuts across these disciplines.
The following topics will be covered:
- the defense of the principles of knowledge by retorsion (Gaston Isaye)
- Arthur Koestler's conceptions on laughter, scientific discovery and aesthetic experience
- The development of the child's intelligence at Piaget
- John Dewey's theory of inquiry
The student will also have to watch for themselves one of Claudine Tiercelin's annual courses on the Collège de France website.
Teaching methods
Classical course
Evaluation methods
50% of the final grade: written exam on the lecture course
50% of the final grade: written work on one of Claudine Tiercelin's annual courses at the Collège de France

50% of the final grade: written exam on the lecture course
50% of the final grade: written work on one of Claudine Tiercelin's annual courses at the Collège de France
Other information
For the written work, the student is required to systematically indicate all parts having been the subject of use of AI, for example by a footnote, specifying whether the AI was used for the research of information, for writing the text or for its correction. Sources of information must be systematically cited while respecting bibliographic referencing standards. The student remains responsible for the content of his or her production regardless of the sources used.
Online resources
Moodle page of the course
Isaye Gaston, Critique de la Connaissance, Syllabus, Facultés Universitaires ND de la Paix, Namur, 1970
Piaget Jean, La Psychologie de l'Intelligence, Armand Collin, 1947
Koestler Arthur, Le cri d'Archimède, 1964
Arthur Koestler, Le cheval dans la locomotive, 1967
Dewey John, Logique. La théorie de l'enquête, trad. française de Deleddalle, PUF, 1ère éd. 1967
Teaching materials
  • Textes et dias disponibles sur Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Philosophy

Master [120] in Philosophy

Certificat universitaire en philosophie (approfondissement)