Metaphysics (Advanced Studies)

lfilo2231  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Metaphysics (Advanced Studies)
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
Each year, the course will select two/three particular themes in ancient and contemporary metaphysics, with particular attention to the continuity or the repetition of classical metaphysical issues in the philosophical contemporary  panorama.
The Coincidence of Opposites in Philosophy
The Coincidence of Opposites is a very important concept in philosophy. We find it already at work in Heraclitus, it is at the foundation of the Neoplatonic tradition, but it is with Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) that this concept is really made explicit as such and is the basis of a new method in philosophy.
We will find it in Giordano Bruno, in Jacob Boehme and in German Idealism.
The concept will also be used in the study of religions (for Mircea Eliade, the coincidentia oppositorum characterizes the category of the sacred), in psychology (Jung makes much of the conjunction and coincidence of opposites). The human psyche, to fully flourish, requires an integration of contrary polarities, which articulated with each other, opens to reality as a totality.
Teaching methods
The metaphysics seminar will be given in the form of an explanation of texts, provided to students in advance in French or English translation. Knowledge of classical languages (Greek, Latin, and Arab) is an advantage, but not a prerequisite.
Evaluation methods
The seminar will be evaluated by a final written work (15 pages) on a theme agreed with the teacher.
A mid-term evaluation will be proposed on the basis of a text analysis, which will be worth 30% of the final grade.
Other information
For the written work, the student is required to systematically indicate all parts having been the subject of use of AI, for example by a footnote, specifying whether the AI was used for the research of information, for writing the text or for its correction. Sources of information must be systematically cited while respecting bibliographic referencing standards. The student remains responsible for the content of his or her production regardless of the sources used.
Online resources
A reader of texts, mainly in French (but with English translations generally readily available), will be provided to students via Moodle.
Frank Simon, La connaissance et l'être ( Philosophie de l'Esprit), Aubier-Montaigne, 1937
Frank Simon, L'inconcevable. Introduction ontologique ç la philosophie de la religion, Editions du Cerf, 2007
Bonnet Jacques, De la Coïncidence des Opposés et autres variations sur les contraires,Editions du Cherche-Midi, 2005
Keshavjee Shafique, Mircea Eliade et la coincidence des opposés. Ou l'existence en duel, Peter Lang 1993
Nicolas de Cues, Du non-Autre ou le guidu penseur, trad. française par Hervé Pasqua, (Sagesse Chrétienne ) Editions du Cerf, 2002
Nicolas de Cues, Le Tableau ou la vision de Dieu, trad. française d'Agnès Minazzoli, (La nuit surveillée), Editions du Cerf , 1986
Jung, Karl Gustav, Mysterium Coniunctionis, 2 vol. 1980-1982 , (Bibliothèque Jungienne) Albin Michel
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Philosophy

Master [120] in Philosophy

Certificat universitaire en philosophie (approfondissement)