Specific typological analyses: Morphology and Syntax

lgerm2827  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Specific typological analyses: Morphology and Syntax
5.00 credits
15.0 h
Students should have attended a course of introduction to linguistics, in which methods of grammatical description were taught. The course LGERM2719 is a good preparation.
Main themes
Syntactic and morphological typology (see contents)
In this course, we examine the question of what are the central differences and similarities among the grammars of the world’s languages, and how to explain variation and universality both historically (diachronic linguistics) and systematically (synchronic linguistics). We study the problem empirically by means of some concrete grammatical phenomena and their realization in the three “largest” language families (Indo-European, Bantu and Austronesian languages): sentence types (interrogative sentences, declarative sentences, imperatives, …) word order (SOV, VOS, SVO, …), difference between active/passive, information structure (focus, topic ((background)), verbal morphology, derivational morphology.
Teaching methods
Lecture, which requires active participation of  students, in the form of a processing of exercises and reading of scientific texts. In addition, each participant gives a presentation on one of the seminar topics at the end of the course.
Evaluation methods
The examination is based on the oral presentation and its written elaboration and on the basis of the discussion following the presentation, during which the student has to answer questions about his presentation. Presentations will last approximately 30 minutes and will take place during the last session or last two sessions of the course.
Online resources
The literature for the course is provided on moodle.
In addition to the original texts, which are also the basis for the students’ presentations, a syllabus is provided, which is also the basis for the lecture and in which the basics aand background of the topics are explained.
In addition, a document is provided explaining the basics, working methods and methods for preparing a scientific presentation (and argumentation) in linguistics.
Syllabus J. Sabel (2022) Diversity of languages. Developments and types of language variation.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Linguistics

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General