Latin Literature Seminar

lglor2532  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Latin Literature Seminar
5.00 credits
45.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2024-2025
LGLOR1431 or equivalent level
Main themes
In-depth study of a section of Latin literature based on a given theme.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 identify and contextualize authors and works related to the theme studied;
2 write an essay related to the year's theme, involving a selection of relevant excerpts from the works studied and including literary, historical, stylistic and cultural considerations;
3 conduct personal research as an extension of the course.
In 2022-2023, the theme of this course (which is designed to instill a scholarly approach to Latin texts relating to a historical question) will be "Religion and Latin Literature." The course will examine the various methodologies that can be used to inform the study of Roman literature through the study of Roman religion, and vice versa, as well as the limitations of these approaches. The course will focus on case studies from the history of Latin literature where the problem can best be addressed (e.g. Ovid's Fasti, Horace's Carmen Saeculare, the Altar of Victory as viewed by Symmachus and Prudentius).
Teaching methods
The course consists of seminar discussions, led by the course leaders as well as by seminar participants. It places the authors studied in their historical, literary and cultural context. It offers a commented reading of chosen extracts, and takes care to compare these readings with the remainder of the studied authors’ corpora, as well as with other authors and cultural domains.
Evaluation methods
1. The final grade consists of the following:

1a) an ongoing assessment in the form of an in-class presentation of a passage, article, chapter, or book studied in the course, to be scheduled in the first week of Q2 (30%). Depending on the number of students in the class, these presentations will be made by individuals or by groups; in the case of group presentations, a single grade will be given to all presenters, unless there is a significant difference in the quality of preparation and presentation among different members of a group.

1b) a written test in the June session, consisting of a 'Guided Essay' (35%) and an essay (35%), both based on the course readings and discussions.

2. In the event of non-success in the weighted average of 1a and 2b, the final grade consists of the following : 

2a) A written paper (between 13,000 and 15,000 characters (with spaces)) that presents the material from the in-class presentation (whether it took place or not), and offers a personal reading of that material in light of other material studied during that semester and in the course. This document should be emailed to the course leaders on the first day of the session of August/September. Even if the original presentation was done or was intended to be done as a group, for this session, all papers must be written and submitted individually.

2b) An oral examination in the August/September session which may include a question or questions based on one or more passages, a general question or questions on the course texts; this oral examination may also include questions based on the written paper based on the presentation (see (2a) above) (70%).
Other information
English-friendly course: course taught in French but offering facilities in English.
Online resources
A selection of reading material will be available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en littérature

Master [60] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [120] in History

Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [60] in History

Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines

Master [60] in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics

Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics