"Daylighting" part
The 6 hours course dedicated to daylighting allow to tackle the necessary basic notions required for the LICAR 1605 workshop, that is, the main photometric quantities and the metrics used in daylight.
Then, daylight strategies are approached, with notions of glare and the means to protect from it.
"Thermic and hygrothermic" part
The course starts with a reminder of the several heat transfer modes. Base on that, the way to evaluate the heat transmission through a wall in static mode can be detailed. Then the students get to learn how to draw the evolution curves of these temperatures within a wall.
Based on the diagram of moist air, students are then taught how to trace the vapor pressure curve within a wall and how to accurately assess the internal condensation risks. Then, the protection methods against that condensation are approached.
Finally, the surface condensation phenomenon and its consequences are studied.
"Acoustics" part
The content is based on the implications of construction practice of the goal criteria of acoustic comfort of the buildings. These criteria are the common thread through the course. Five major themes of the building acoustics are successively developed:
"Building and performances" part
The 30 hours of the course are dedicated to a constructive reflexion through technical detail practice. The courses aim at understanding the constructive principles of the building (mainly the individual housing) and their implication in the conception of the architectural project, by reviewing:
The 6 hours course dedicated to daylighting allow to tackle the necessary basic notions required for the LICAR 1605 workshop, that is, the main photometric quantities and the metrics used in daylight.
Then, daylight strategies are approached, with notions of glare and the means to protect from it.
"Thermic and hygrothermic" part
The course starts with a reminder of the several heat transfer modes. Base on that, the way to evaluate the heat transmission through a wall in static mode can be detailed. Then the students get to learn how to draw the evolution curves of these temperatures within a wall.
Based on the diagram of moist air, students are then taught how to trace the vapor pressure curve within a wall and how to accurately assess the internal condensation risks. Then, the protection methods against that condensation are approached.
Finally, the surface condensation phenomenon and its consequences are studied.
"Acoustics" part
The content is based on the implications of construction practice of the goal criteria of acoustic comfort of the buildings. These criteria are the common thread through the course. Five major themes of the building acoustics are successively developed:
- basic principles of acoustics and noise of the technical equipment,
- reverberation and acoustic correction,
- impact sound insulation,
- airborne sound insulation,
- façade sound insulation.
"Building and performances" part
The 30 hours of the course are dedicated to a constructive reflexion through technical detail practice. The courses aim at understanding the constructive principles of the building (mainly the individual housing) and their implication in the conception of the architectural project, by reviewing:
- Infrastructures and buried constructions
- Inner surfaces and walls
- Floors and slabs
- Façades and outer surfaces
- Roofs
- Openings and windows
- Staircases.
- The understanding of the stakes of one particular project (structure, insulation, tightness, façades aesthetics...)
- The understanding and analysis of a buildings technology:
- How does one build a surface, a building?
- Which are the important elements?
- How do the different layers articulate?
- How are connexions executed? - The understanding of the influence of technology on architecture: How to use the technical detail as an architectural design tool ?
- The understanding of the development of and architectural project through the selection of materials, of the building processes and their performances (technical and environmental).
- The capacity to design and draw the several details (plans/sections) techniques of a project.
Teaching methods
The daylighting and thermic and hygrothermic parts are lectures.
For the acoustics part:
Lecture illustrated by PowerPoint slideshow (theoretical aspects, exercises, material performances, prediction methods, execution details, practical examples of project dimensioning).
The building and performances part:
For the acoustics part:
Lecture illustrated by PowerPoint slideshow (theoretical aspects, exercises, material performances, prediction methods, execution details, practical examples of project dimensioning).
The building and performances part:
- Theoretical courses on performance and circular design;
- Technical documents research (for group and individual work) and site visits;
- Theoretical teaching by peers of one of the constructive technologies and an interactive in common reflexion on the "how to build";
- Pratical application of theoretical principles to an individual housing architectural project: design of the walls composition and technical details.
Evaluation methods
The "daylighting" and "Thermic and hygrothermic" parts are assessed with a written exam. The goal is to assess the basic concepts knowledge. Regarding thermic and hygrothermic, the students will have to be able to apply theory to simple case studies.
The "acoustics" part is assessed using a written test in two parts. 25% theoretical part (a question among previously known type questions) -75% exercises part with formulary.
The "building and performances" part is assessed using two works (one group work and one individual work) :
The "acoustics" part is assessed using a written test in two parts. 25% theoretical part (a question among previously known type questions) -75% exercises part with formulary.
The "building and performances" part is assessed using two works (one group work and one individual work) :
- Group work: Based on technical details from Buildwise and documents found in the library, students (in groups) are asked to explain to the others the possible compositions of a wall type in the case of a renovation and the influence that the choice of materials can have on them. After a short self-assessment and feedback from the assembly, a joint discussion will complete the presentation.
- Individual work: Creation of a documentary file including the technical details of the various walls and environmental documentation on the main materials used in a case study chosen and illustrated by the student (individually).
Partie Eclairage naturel et Thermie et hygrothermie
Les étudiant·e·s disposent des copies des « powerpoints » présentés au cours.
Livre : S. Reiter, A. De Herde, Guide à l'utilisation de l'éclairage naturel, UCL Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2003.
Partie Acoustique
Diverses sources mentionnées dans les différents chapitres du cours.
Partie Construction et performances
Les étudiant·e·s disposent des copies PDF des PowerPoints présentés au cours. Ces copies sont mises à disposition sur MOODLE ainsi qu'une série d'autres documents techniques. Chaque PowerPoint reprend une bibliographie spécifique liée à la thématique du cours.
Livres disponibles à la bibliothèque :
LIEBARD A. et DE HERDE, A., Traité d'architecture et d'urbanisme climatiques, Le Moniteur, 2005
TRACHTE S., Matériau, Matière d'Architecture Soutenable, thèse de doctorat, UCL, juin 2012
GAUZIN-MÜLLER, Construire avec le bois, Le Moniteur, Paris, 1999
HEGGER , AUCH-SCHWELK , FUCHS , ROSENKRANZ , Construire, Atlas des matériaux, éditions DETAIL, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2009
HERZOG, KRIPPNER, LANG, Construire des façades, éditions DETAIL, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2007
Passivhaus-Bauteilkatalog, Details for Passive Houses: Ökologisch bewertete Konstruktionen, A Catalogue of Ecologically Rated Constructions, publication de l'Österreichisches Institut für Baubiologie und Bauökologie, éditions Springler-Verlag en 2008
Construire avec l'acier, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2002
Construire avec les bétons, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2000 OLIVA, L'isolation écologique, conception, matériaux et mise en 'uvre, Terre Vivante, Mens, 2001
PFUNDSTEIN, GELLERT, SPITZNER, RUDOLPHI, Insulating materials - Principles, materials, applications, éditions DETAIL, 2007
SCHITTICH, Enveloppes: Concepts, Peaux, Matériaux, Birkhäuser, En Detail, 2005.
SCHITTICH, STAIB, BALKOW, SCHULER, SOBEK, Construire en verre, éditions DETAIL, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2001
Neufert, Ernst. Les Éléments des Projets de Construction, Paris : Dunod, 7è éd.
Les étudiant·e·s disposent des copies des « powerpoints » présentés au cours.
Livre : S. Reiter, A. De Herde, Guide à l'utilisation de l'éclairage naturel, UCL Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2003.
Partie Acoustique
Diverses sources mentionnées dans les différents chapitres du cours.
Partie Construction et performances
Les étudiant·e·s disposent des copies PDF des PowerPoints présentés au cours. Ces copies sont mises à disposition sur MOODLE ainsi qu'une série d'autres documents techniques. Chaque PowerPoint reprend une bibliographie spécifique liée à la thématique du cours.
Livres disponibles à la bibliothèque :
LIEBARD A. et DE HERDE, A., Traité d'architecture et d'urbanisme climatiques, Le Moniteur, 2005
TRACHTE S., Matériau, Matière d'Architecture Soutenable, thèse de doctorat, UCL, juin 2012
GAUZIN-MÜLLER, Construire avec le bois, Le Moniteur, Paris, 1999
HEGGER , AUCH-SCHWELK , FUCHS , ROSENKRANZ , Construire, Atlas des matériaux, éditions DETAIL, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2009
HERZOG, KRIPPNER, LANG, Construire des façades, éditions DETAIL, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2007
Passivhaus-Bauteilkatalog, Details for Passive Houses: Ökologisch bewertete Konstruktionen, A Catalogue of Ecologically Rated Constructions, publication de l'Österreichisches Institut für Baubiologie und Bauökologie, éditions Springler-Verlag en 2008
Construire avec l'acier, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2002
Construire avec les bétons, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2000 OLIVA, L'isolation écologique, conception, matériaux et mise en 'uvre, Terre Vivante, Mens, 2001
PFUNDSTEIN, GELLERT, SPITZNER, RUDOLPHI, Insulating materials - Principles, materials, applications, éditions DETAIL, 2007
SCHITTICH, Enveloppes: Concepts, Peaux, Matériaux, Birkhäuser, En Detail, 2005.
SCHITTICH, STAIB, BALKOW, SCHULER, SOBEK, Construire en verre, éditions DETAIL, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2001
Neufert, Ernst. Les Éléments des Projets de Construction, Paris : Dunod, 7è éd.
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Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Engineering : Architecture