Consecutive interpreting techniques Dutch > French

lintp2330  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Consecutive interpreting techniques Dutch > French
4.00 credits
15.0 h + 30.0 h
Van Cleven Johan (coordinator);
Building on the "Fundamentals of Interpreting" course, this course will provide the first foundation for consecutive interpreting from Dutch into French.
The student will be given recommendations on how to develop an efficient and personalized system of consecutive note-taking for interpreting from Dutch into French.
He will become familiar with consecutive Dutch>French and practice it through face-to-face exercises in consecutive interpretation into French of presentations in Dutch on various non-technical social and current affairs topics of increasing length and difficulty.
The proposed exercises will also enable the student to further improve his/her understanding of spoken Dutch in a sustained register and to study social and current affairs topics related to Flanders and the Netherlands.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face course with the possibility of distance learning.
The course will enable students to use, train and improve their note-taking skills throughout the term through exercises that are corrected and commented on during the course.
Particular attention is paid to the following objectives: to enable the student to mobilize the methods of in-depth analysis of the discourse in order to understand the structure of the discourse, the logical links and sequences of the original, to distinguish the essential from the accessory, to render the message thus understood in a coherent and structured manner in a correct, precise, fluid French adapted to the register of the discourse pronounced in Dutch.
Evaluation methods
Continuous formative assessment (not graded) and certificative assessment (examination) at the end of the term.
Examination :
  • 1st session: January;
  • 2nd session: August/September.
The grade for the certification assessment (examination) is deliberated and determined collegially by the two teachers who give this course.
Other information
Other assignments (reading and others) will be given in class.
Online resources
  • Websites of Dutch, French, Belgian and European parliaments and assemblies and other official online references.
  • Other websites and information sources provided in class.
  • Meta : journal des traducteurs
  • Autres ressources communiquées en classe
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Interpreting