Italian - elementary level - accelerated

lital1101  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Italian - elementary level - accelerated
4.00 credits
45.0 h
Scarpa Laura (coordinator);
Acquisition of phonetics and spelling rules of the Italian language. Development of elementary communicative competences through the acquisition of basic language notions/functions and vocabulary. Focus on cultural aspects.
Teaching methods
The method gets its inspiration from the notional/functional approach and is mainly centered on developing communicative oral skills, not disregarding some simple forms of written skills.
Some examples of activities in the class: exercises to enhance pronunciation and spelling, listening comprehension activities (by means of audio/video material), drills, simple conversation in pairs or small groups, songs, writing simple texts etc.
Evaluation methods
The final assessment consists of an oral exam (a reading assignment + a short listening comprehension + 3-4 questions on oral skills developed during the course) and a written exam (various exercises + a short written production). In the final score, the ratio between the written and the oral part is 50/50. The oral exam could take place in the language lab in the form of a recorded exam.
Formative assessments will take place during the course. Their results will not affect the final score.
The content of each assessment will be based on the materials and references as weekly indicated in the course moodle. During the written test the use of books or other (online) materials is not allowed.
Other information
Office hours will take place on appointment, either face-to-face or on Teams. Please contact the teacher by e-mail to make an appointment.
This cours is intended for:
  • Students with an Erasmus project in an Italian university
  • UCL students willing to include this course in their official UCL program (Q2)
  • UCL students who do not intend to include this course in their official UCL program
(look for registration conditions in the ILV pages)
  • PhD Students and UCL staff
Online resources
Mandatory course material: A syllabus will be available in Moodle for download during the first course week.  The teacher will also advise links to different complementary websites (audio files, extra exercises, dictionary, verbs conjugation etc.), also available in Moodle.
Teaching materials
  • méthode conseillée par le professeur et/ou syllabus (à télécharger sur Moodle UCL la première semaine de cours); matériel supplémentaire sur Moodle
Faculty or entity