Observation and teaching placement in French as a foreign language

llmod9008  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Observation and teaching placement in French as a foreign language
2.00 credits
25.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Bibauw Serge (coordinator);
To have taken or to take in parallel the course LROM2940 Didactics of French as a foreign language
Main themes
The 25 hours of practice are divided into two parts:
  • a. Observation and analysis of teaching (5 hours) : this encourages the students to think about taking their own classes by observing their future pupils and supervisors in class;
  • b. Teaching: this enables the future teachers to try out the different points from the course under the guidance of supervisors authorised by UCLouvain
These two-part practice periods reflect the two different locations and two different supervisors:
  • Two-person practice (10 hours): done by two people taking it in turns to speak (either within the hour, or changing every hour, each taking at least 4 hours of class on their own). There is special emphasis here on the communicational and relational aspects of teaching;
  • Solo teaching (10 hours): this can either take the form of a 'teaching sequence' in a single class or can be divided between different classes.
The last one or two lessons of the internship is/are organized as a supervision lesson and/or a public lesson.
At the beginning of the year, students must give their supervisor their list of preferences from the list of possible institutions and supervisors for each phase of practice. Once the allocation has been made, students must agree with each of their supervisors the arrangements for the observation sessions and the active lesson sessions. They should also agree the topics and the timings with their supervisors. Before starting a period of practice, they must submit their preparatory project to the supervisor who will discuss with them any changes to be made.
Teaching methods
Type of education: the practice periods for each individual student should be spread as far as possible between different types of education. Alternation of the practice periods and teaching: the practice periods are closely connected to the lectures and organised to alternate with them.
In cases of force majeure (COVID-19 crisis), the course may include distance learning.
Evaluation methods
Each teaching practicum is progressively evaluated on a formative basis through daily feedback and advice from the practicum tutor; once completed, it is evaluated on a summative basis in the form of a practicum report.
In addition to the practicum reports and assessments by the tutors, a public lesson or on-site observation visit with an external assessor or jury will be organized to validate the practicum.
The grade corresponds to a balanced distribution of the grades for the duo practicum, solo practicum, and public lesson or on-site observation visit. A failing grade for the public lesson or in-situ observation visit may imply a failing grade for the entire teaching unit. The observation course report will not be graded, but failure to submit the report will result in a loss of 2 points.
Other information
Support: A folder containing observation grids and rubrics, all the necessary information, and helpful documents is available for the students.
Une bibliographie d’ouvrages, de manuels et d’articles utiles pour préparer les stages sera communiquée dans le cadre du cours LROM2940 Didactique du français langue étrangère
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Translation

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General