Introduction to materials science

lmapr1805  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Introduction to materials science
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Main themes
The objective of the course is to provide an introduction to materials science as a science that aims at linking the process, structure and properties of materials on the basis of the principles of chemistry, physico-chemistry, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, physics and mechanics of solids.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Contribution of the course to the program objectives Having regard to the LO of the programme 'Bachelor in engineering', this activity contributes to the development and acquisition of the following LO: LO 1.1 1.2 Specific learning outcomes of the course At the end of this course, the student will be able to
LO1.1. position materials science within its wider context of a discipline useful in most engineering technologies; ' LO1.1 know, define, and correctly use the vocabulary and notations of the discipline (e.g. capacity of define notions like lattice, atom, molecule, phase, eutectic, electron, phonon, tacticity, grain, precipitate, dislocation, conformation, stress, strain, stiffness, strength, conductivity, etc); ' LO1.1 describe with words and schematic drawings the chemical bonds at the basis of the different classes of materials, the amorphous and crystalline structures, the crystalline defects, the molecular architecture and microstructure, the physico-chemical/thermodynamics mechanisms at the origin of the microstructures;

'      LO1.2 apply the basic concepts of crystallography, thermodynamics and phase
diagrams to the solution of simple exercises;
'     LO1.1 explain based on words and schematic drawings the links between the material structure
and the functional (electrical and thermal conductivity, optical indices, dielectric and magnetic
coefficients, etc) and mechanical properties (enthalpic and entropic elasticity, glass transition,
strength, ductility, etc);
'     LO1.1 master the notations, time, length and temperature scales, orders of magnitudes
involved in the representation of the evolution of the functional and mechanical properties of the
difference classes of materials;
'      LO1.1 derive, based on the properties, the main field of applications of the classes of
materials based on a global vision of materials science which goes beyond the classes of materials
but which also explains the particular behaviours.
General introduction
Partie I  - Materials structure and genesis of microstructures
A. Reminder on the chemical bonds and material states
B. Thermodynamics of interfaces, diffusion, nucleation, growth
C. Phase diagrams
D. Crystalline materials (involving basics of crystallography, solidification, description of defects and microstructures)
E. Amorphous materials (involving main polymerization reactions, tacticity and molecular architecture, amorphous solids, polymorphism, brief introduction to glasses)
The sections A, B & C are transverse to all classes of materials.
Exercises will be given for the crystallography and thermodynamics aspects.
Partie II - Functional properties
A. Electrons and phonons
B. Electrical and thermal conductivity ( + one lab session on electrical measurements)
C. Dielectric, magnetic and optical properties
Partie III - Thermomechanical properties
A. Macroscopic mechanical behaviour (+ exercises and lab session)
B. Relationships between molecular architecture / microstructure / thermomechanical properties of polymers
C. Relationships between defects / microstructure / thermomechanical properties of metals and ceramics
Teaching methods
Ex-cathedra courses and practical exercises mainly. One or two laboratories.
Evaluation methods
The students will be individually graded based on a written exam with questions related to the material seen during the ex-cathedra courses, as well as the solution of exercises in the vein of those addressed during the semester.
Other information
The students must be familiar with the elementary concepts of chemistry, physics, mechanics
Notes de cours et slides disponibles sur Moodle, livres d'introduction à la science des matériaux disponibles à la BSE.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Applied Chemistry and Physics

Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering

Specialization track in applied Chemestry and Physics

Mineure Polytechnique