General Dutch interfaculty course – elementary level

lneer1100  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

General Dutch interfaculty course – elementary level
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Bufkens Hilde (coordinator); Demeulenaere Isabelle (coordinator);
No prerequesites: the student has a A1- level of the target language.
Main themes
This Teaching Unit is based on the presentation of the basics of Dutch grammar and a vocabulary for beginners in order to lead to short practical conversations like introducing oneself, asking for information and understanding it, daily life topics
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

understand a simple conversation in the target language with a native speaker provided that the speaker expresses himself in a clear and easy language.
> Level A1
fill in a form in the target language correctly.
> Level A1
introduce himself, to ask and understand practical and concise informations to speak about himself in little topics related to his daily life.
> Level A1
This teaching unit for beginners corresponding to a user level elementary (level introductory or discovery)  aims at studying the basics of the Dutch grammar and vocabulary through developing the communication practice.
It aims at presenting and practising the basics of the Dutch Grammar and a basic vocabulary through the practice of
  • speaking exercises like introducing yourself or someone, being able to ask and answer questions about a person, to ask for information, to be able to fill in a form, to speak about one's hobbys etc.
  • Short video's leading to a little discussion
In addition, this teaching unit aims at introducing some typical customs and cultural treasures of Flanders and the Netherlands. To do so, 
  • Some activities will be presented in the classroom and outside the classroom .A cultural trip to Flanders (visit of a Flemish town or an exhibition)will be chosen,  prepared and organized by the students.
Subject to the health context and the number of students enrolled, this excursion will be replaced by a powerpoint presention about the natural, architectural and artistic treasures of Flanders. 
Teaching methods
This Teaching Unit consists of classroom activities as well as e-learning activities.
The more general basic vocabulary and the basics of the Dutch grammar will be studied through the self-tuition programmes like Wallangues and Gram&yu. In addition to this, the basic vocabulary related to daily life and the basics of the Dutch grammar are presented in the self-tuition syllabus as a written support. 
In the classroom the vocabulary and the grammatical items will be exercised through oral practice activities and self-tuition tests on the Moodle e-learning Platform. This will  require the spontaneous study of the code by the student who is responsible for developing his linguistic knowledge.
The discussions, role-plays and presentations also require a certain weekly amount of preparation by the student. 
Evaluation methods
  1. Continuous assessment (active class participation based on the weekly work on the different self-tuition platforms, role-plays) : 30 %
  2. Written test in the middle of the term on:
  • the grammatical structures and the vocabulary learned
  • listening comprehension and reading comprehension (receptive skills) 
  1. Oral interactive exam in group of 2 or 3 students at the end of the term or in January based on the different topics and role-plays seen during the lessons: 50 %
The different oral evaluations will take place in the classroom at the end of the quadrimester and/or during the January and/or June or on Teams according to the health context.
Warning: We apply the "absorbent absence" system. All parts of the tests are compulsory. If the student is absent (without official proof) for one of the parts of the evaluation (except formative tests), this will imply an “absence” mark for the entire evaluation. A student who has not taken part of this assessment will therefore be prohibited from enrolling in the other parts of the assessment. If the student does not pass the January test or hand in a medical certificate, he / she must take the exam again in the August session. Attendance at the course (face-to-face and / or distance learning) is compulsory. If the teacher considers it useful, she could suggest that the jury oppose registration for the course exam for a student who has not regularly followed the learning activities (RGEE - art . 72) During the August session, the student is required to complete an assignment and present an oral exam, the criteria of which will be defined by the teacher. Permanent assessment marks will only be taken into account if this is to the benefit of the student. If the health situation (or other crisis situation) does not allow a permanent assessment (for example following a switch to distance education), then: The activities and tasks would be adapted to allow work at home and the delivery of it remotely. Orals would take place on Teams. The weighting of these different parts could therefore be slightly modified.
Faculty or entity