Intermediate Dutch for business studies

lneer1332  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Intermediate Dutch for business studies
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
The student should have followed the teaching unit of intermediate level part 1 (LNEER1230) or a course of similar level.

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
  1. This teaching unit treats subjects about themes that are related to the study programme and the future professional needs of the student.
  2. This teaching unit  is structured around the following themes (mobiliteit en transport, samenleving en maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid, vorming en opleiding, media en bedrijfscommunicatie, milieu en energie, werk en bedrijfsleven).
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Reading Comprehension:
  • understand texts that consist mainly of everyday or field-related language.
  • understand standard field-related correspondence and get the gist of the meaning.
  • read articles and reports concerned with contemporary and field related problems in which the writers adopt particular viewpoints.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
2 Listening Comprehension Individual:
  • understand most recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard language about current events or topics of general interest.
  • follow a lecture or talk within his/her own field, provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation straightforward and clearly structured.
Listening Comprehension Interactive :
  • catch with some effort much of what is said around him/her in discussion, while possibly finding it difficult to participate effectively in discussion with several native speakers who do not modify their language in any way.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
3 Speaking Skills Individual :
  • present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
  • explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Speaking Skills Interactive :
  • communicate fluently and spontaneously, to a degree that allows normal interaction with native speakers.
  • take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining your views.
  • develop an argument well enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time.
Level B2- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
4 Writing Skills:
  • write simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
  • write formal letters.
  • take messages communicating enquiries, explaining problems.
  • summarise accurately, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information.
Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
5 Code
  • Vocabulary : consolidation of basic vocabulary (cf. LNEER1230) and extension of general vocabulary (texts and vocabulary exercises Moodle, e-learning platform ILV)
  • Grammar: consolidation of the specific structures of the Dutch language.
In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects and develop their capability to assess the values transmitted by these cultures through different domains (social, political, economic, ...).
This teaching unit is aimed at learning Dutch at an intermediate level, with a focus on economics and management. This unit is based on authentic material and aims to give students the communicative skills they will need in the third year and in their professional life. Emphasis will be placed on oral and written expression, listening and reading comprehension.
Tools for study and work in self-study: thematic vocabulary lists and texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle, néerlandais B2 - , Hilde Bosmans, Katrien De Rycke et al, De Boeck, 1st edition, September 2020), vocabulary exercises on Moodle (ILV e-learning platform), texts related to the company in the class written by the students on the Prezi presentation tool and the preparation of two group presentations. 
Teaching methods
If the health situation permits (green code), this teaching unit is given face-to-face and partially in e-learning.
For each theme: use, application and consolidation of lexical and grammatical knowledge by interactive presentations given by students on the themes of the texts in the book 'Vers un communication professionnelle'.
Oral (role-playing, debates, conversations) and written (writing letters and texts) production activities.
Receptive activities: written and oral texts (multimedia) accompanied by comprehension and vocabulary exercises.
Grammatical explanations and exercises (oral and written) focusing more specifically on grammar points that pose problems for French speakers.
Tools for study and work in self-study: thematic vocabulary lists and texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle, Néerlandais B2 - , Hilde Bosmans, Katrien De Rycke et al, De Boeck, 1st edition, September 2020), vocabulary exercises on Moodle (ILV e-learning platform), texts relating to the company in the class written by the students on the Prezi presentation tool and the preparation of two group presentations. 
If the health situation does not allow it (code yellow or orange), the teachers will set up a rotation system in which as many students as possible will have the opportunity to attend the classroom. The other students follow the course partially on Teams at a distance and in e-learning on Moodle. In the event of a red (or orange) code, this teaching unit will take place in the form of distance learning. 
Depending on the situation (e.g. health or for pedagogical reasons), the course may switch to distance learning at any time.
Evaluation methods
Continiuous evaluation throughout the year
If the health situation allows it, i.e.: face-to-face lessons
Written examination in several parts:
week 6: test 1 (during the course): vocabulary topic 1, texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle', verwarrende woorden: on 2 points
week 10: test 2 (during the course): test material 1 + vocabulary topic 2, texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle', verwarrende woorden, grammar: 5 points
week 14: test 3 (on site): test subject 1&2 + vocabulary theme 3, texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle', verwarrende woorden, grammar + writing a text: out of 13 items
The three tests together account for 20% of the final score and must be represented in Q2 if the score obtained is less than 10/20.
week 5: test 1 (during the course): vocabulary topic 4, texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle', verwarrende woorden: on 2 points
week 8: test 2 (during the course): test subject 1, + vocabulary topic 5, texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle', verwarrende woorden, grammar: 5 points
week 13: test 3 (on site): test subject 1+2, + vocabulary theme 6, texts from the book 'Vers une communication professionnelle', verwarrende woorden, writing a letter or an e-mail and grammar: 13 points + listening comprehension: 5 points
The oral examination takes place in June and consists of a conversation and a role-play based on two of the fifteen texts seen during the course on themes covered during the year and on the reports written bij the students on prezi.
The points are divided between the written and oral exams:
45% written
35% oral
20% for the permanent evaluation part: two group presentations, attendance and active participation in the courses
All tests are mandatory. If you are absent (without official justification) for any part of the assessment (except tests 1 and 2), this will imply an "absence" mark for the whole assessment. A student who has not taken part of the assessment will not be admitted to the other parts of the assessment. If you are absent without official justification for tests 1 and/or 2, you will receive a 0/20 for these test(s).
If the student does not pass the January test or does not provide a medical certificate, he/she must retake this part in Q2 (i.e. he/she will retake the whole test, i.e. January and June). If the student does not retake this part, he/she will get 0/20 for this part.
Attendance at the course (face-to-face or distance learning) is compulsory. If the teacher deems it useful, he/she may propose to the jury to object to the registration for the course examination of a student who has not regularly attended the learning activities (RGEE - art. 72).
In the September session, the student is required to re-submit all the material for the written examination (Q1 and Q2) + the oral examination. The mark for the permanent assessment, obtained during the year, is given when it is in the student's favour. In the September examination, the student therefore only retakes the written part and the oral examination, not the presentations.
It is also possible to take part in a TANDEM project with the KU Leuven on a voluntary basis and if the health situation allows it. Those who participate are exempted from the group presentation of Q1 and Q2.
If the health situation (or other crisis situation) does not allow a permanent evaluation (e.g. due to a switch to distance learning), then:
The written assessment (tests 1, 2 and 3 in Q1 and Q2) will be replaced by a written exam in week 14 (Q1) and 13 (Q2) or during the January (Q1) and June (Q2) session (vocabulary, listening comprehension, written expression and grammar = 45% of the final mark) with a platform for remote monitoring (proctoring). Teachers will place mock tests on the Moodle platform. Participation in these mock tests can earn the student one point for the written part. 
Oral presentations on Teams during the year count for 20% of the final mark, and the oral exam on Teams (based on two of the fifteen texts seen during the course on themes covered during the year and on the reports written bij the students on prezi), consisting of a role-playing game related to the themes covered in the course and questions related to the course content, counts for 35% of the final mark. Vocabulary questions may also be asked during this oral exam.
If the health situation (or other crisis situation) does not allow to organise a wirtten exam on campus, the written examination will be cancelled and replaced only by the presentations and the oral assessment based on the role-play and press articles related to the course topics, questions on the course content and vocabulary questions. This mark will then constitute 100% of the final mark.
Taking into account the health situation, if we are given the possibility to organise a face-to-face written exam, we will opt for this possibility and organise a face-to-face written exam on vocabulary, grammar, written expression and listening comprehension.
The oral exam would be maintained to assess the students' oral communication skills.
Online resources
LNEER1332 - Algemeen en zakelijk Nederlands - INGE/ECGE - 1BA
  • Néerlandais B2 - Vers une communication professionnelle, Hilde Bosmans, Katrien De Rycke et al., De Boeck, 1re édition | septembre 2020 | 320 pages  9782807330078
  • Moodle (plate-forme e-learning ILV)
Teaching materials
  • Vers une communication professionnelle, Néerlandais B2 - , Hilde Bosmans, Katrien De Rycke et al., De Boeck, 1re édition | septembre 2020 | 320 pages 9782807330078
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Bachelor in Economics and Management

Bachelor : Business Engineering