Dutch for communication studies - Intermediate level - Continuation of part 1

lneer1333  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch for communication studies - Intermediate level - Continuation of part 1
3.00 credits
30.0 h
The objective of this teaching unit is to consolidate and further develop the first part of the intermediate level. The student should therefore have followed the teaching unit of intermediate level part 1 (LNEER 1230) or a course of similar level (level B1 of the CEF for the reading and listening skills, B1- for the speaking skills and A2 for the writing skills).

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
This teaching unit  is structured around themes of general interest and field-related themes.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 This teaching unit  aims at developing the 4 communication skills (mainly the speaking skills) :
Reading Comprehension

At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to understand direct and not so complex factual texts concerned with  general and field-related items.

Level B2- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
2 Listening Comprehension  
  • Individual
 At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to understand a large part of expositions or television and radio programs on subjects of general interest or on subjects related to the field of studies, provided that the language is of a standard level and clearly pronounced and that the presentation is direct and simple.
  • Interactive
At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to understand most of what is said in an everyday conversation on familiar subjects or subjects related to the field of studies provided that the language is of a standard level and clearly pronounced.

Level B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
3 Speaking Skills
  • Individual
At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to make a short presentation of a subject of general interest or of a field-related subject and to give his/her viewpoint on a topical issue.
  • Interactive
At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible provided the subject is familiar or field-related.

Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
4 Writing Skills
At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to write a short personal letter, a short report or a short abstract and to write short factual and descriptive reports.

Level B1- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
5 Code
  • Vocabulary: consolidation of basic vocabulary and extension of general vocabulary.
  • Grammar: consolidation of the command of the basic structures of the Dutch language, particularly those that cause problems for French speaking people
In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects.
This unit consists of
  • reviewing and extending general lexical knowledge as well as lexical knowledge specific to the field of study,
  • reviewing and practising certain points of grammar specific to Dutch,
  • practising and developing receptive skills (reading and listening to authentic texts) and productive skills (oral expression and written production)
  • an introduction to the Dutch-speaking media culture.
Teaching methods
This course includes on-site classroom activities.
! The teaching modalities may be subject to change in accordance with the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. The students will of course be notified of these possible changes in due course.
  • Groups of maximum 25 students.
  • Interactive language practice based on current, authentic material.
  • The 4 skills will be practiced during the course (reading, listening, speaking, writing)
  • Reinforcement of the basic knowledge (vocabulary, grammar)
  • Students will be asked to carry out tasks independently and present them to the class or in small groups.
Evaluation methods
Attendance at this language course is required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, the teacher may propose to the jury that a student who has two unjustified absences for the course be refused registration for the January, June or September session.
Different grades are counted into the final grade:
- Continuous assessment /6
- Written exam /8
- Oral exam /6         
Continuous assessment:
During the term, students will be required to complete several tasks.
- Individually: Presentation of a topical issue + interactive exercise in a small group: 1/20
- In groups of 2: Presentation of a synthesis and criticism of a podcast or video from the 'Universiteit van Vlaanderen' + interactive exercise: 2/20
- In groups of 2: Interview in Dutch with a communication professional: 2/20
- Regular vocabulary and grammar tests (2 tests each worth 0.5 points): 1/20
Final exam:
- written exam during the exam session on vocabulary, a few grammar points, written expression, reading comprehension and listening comprehension: 8/20
- individual oral examination in week 14 on a news article prepared by the student and on the themes seen during classes (open questions): 6/20
August/September session
In the August session, students are required to retake the written exam (/8) and the oral exam (/6). The continuous assessment mark ( /6) will be maintained if this is to the student's advantage when calculating the final grade. Otherwise, the written examination is worth 14 points. Students who have not completed the continuous assessment tasks must complete these tasks in August, with the exception of the vocabulary tests, which will not be reorganised (/5).
! The evaluation modalities may be subject to change in accordance with the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. The students will of course be notified of these possible changes in due course.
Online resources
LNEER1333 - Nederlands voor communicatiewetenschappen
  • Syllabus du cours : LNEER1333 - Nederlands voor communicatiewetenschappen - Intermediair niveau - Vervolg op deel 1
  • Moodle (plate-forme e-learning)
  •  matériel de révision en autodidacte
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus du cours : LNEER1333 - Nederlands voor communicatiewetenschappen - Intermediair niveau - Vervolg op deel 1
  • Moodle (plate-forme e-learning)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Information and Communication