Labour and Welfare: psychosocial aspects

lpsys2308  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Labour and Welfare: psychosocial aspects
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Main themes
This course is concerned with psychosocial and organizational aspects of occupational well-being. Working conditions as demands and resources, burnout, coping strategies, prevention in the workplace, will be examined theoretically and empirically through courses and subgroups works.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 A1. Mastering knowledge that helps explain and understand psychosocial aspects of well-being at work at individuals, groups and organizations levels
A2. To be able to analyze, conceptualize and criticize psychosocial aspects of well-being at work with reference to theories, research results and methods relevant to work and organizational psychology
B1. Mastering knowledge about interventions to improve psychosocial aspects of occupational well-being at individuals, groups and organizations levels
B2. To be able to conceive recommendations for intervention to improve psychosocial aspects of well-being at work in a given situation
C2. To be able to structure and to present data that have been collected.
The course focuses on the psychosocial aspects of well-being in the workplace, from the occupational and organizational psychology point of view. It is organized in four parts. The first part introduces the notions of well-being and psychosocial risks in the Belgian legislative framework. Particular attention is paid to burnout. The second part concerns the presentation and critical analysis of reference theories in the field of well-being at work, from the fields of organizational psychology and occupational psychology and in connection with research carried out in the field. The third component deals with issues of stress prevention in the workplace. Finally, the fourth section is devoted to special issues whose themes may vary from year to year (e.g. ageing at work, work-family balance, etc.). The work of sub-groups also provides an opportunity to examine specific topics in greater depth.  
Teaching methods
The course combines lectures,  work in sub-group and participation to mentoring sessions.
The lecture sessions allow for the presentation and discussion of theoretical content and related research. The sub-group work aims to facilitate the appropriation and application of a theoretical framework for analysing well-being at work from the perspective of psychosocial processes. This work is supported by mentoring sessions.
The course requires regular participation. Participating to sub-group work and mentoring sessions is compulsory (see evaluation).  Sub-group work starts at the beginning of the quadrimestre.
Evaluation methods
First session
Students on this course are assessed as follows:
  1. A group assessment based on sub-group work to be submitted at the end of the term (10/20)
  1. An individual assessment (10/20) based on :
  • Individual contributions to the sub-group work, to be submitted during the term (4/20)
  • The individual examination (6/20)
As attendance at tutorials is compulsory, any unjustified absence will be penalised (-1/20).
Successful completion of the group and individual parts is essential to demonstrate the skills and knowledge defined in the learning outcomes for the teaching unit. A failing grade for either the group or individual part will result in a failing grade for the whole course.
Participation in sub-group work is compulsory and is a condition for taking the individual examination. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations governing Studies and Examinations, the course coordinator may propose to the jury that it refuse to register a student who has not participated in the sub-group work during the January or September session.
Second session
Students will complete an individual written assignment and will then be questioned orally. Instructions will be posted on Moodle at the beginning of July. The assignment must be submitted on Moodle no later than 15/08/2025.
Other information
International mobility
The course is given in French,
But a set of English slides is available for international students: no
The core reading for the course is in English : yes
The standard written exam is in French. However, international students taking this course:
Will be allowed to use a dictionary when taking the written exam in French: yes
Are provided with the opportunity to take the written exam in English: yes
The course requires coursework in French. However, international students taking this course:
Can provide the coursework in English: no
Can be exempt from providing the coursework: no
Online resources
The course powerpoints and a reading portfolio will be available on Moodle
A titre indicatif
Burke, R. J., & Page, K. M. (2017). Research Handbook on Work and Well-Being. Edward Elgar Publishing. (e-book)
Cartwright, S., & C.M. Cooper, C.M. (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Well-Being. UK, Oxford University Press.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Psychology

Master [120] in Human Resources Management [Réforme 2024-25]