Documentation research and computer tools

lsc1181  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Documentation research and computer tools
3.00 credits
20.0 h + 10.0 h
Main themes
The two main topics covered in this course are the essential office softwares and the document research.
The first theme focuses on learning the extensive use of the following tools in a scientific context:
·      ' a spreadsheet (basic principles, numerical calculations, matrix calculations graphical representations, data analysis, pivot tables, statistical tools, data import, etc.);
·      ' a word processor (basic principles, simple and complex formatting, styles and references, tables, objects embedding, structure and bibliography, etc.);
·      ' a presentation program (basic principles, design rules, objects embedding, animation methods, structure, etc.).
The second theme focuses on learning to search and make use of scientific resources:
·      ' how to prepare a research and to define a subject;
·      ' how to search for scientific documents;
·      ' how to analyze and evaluate sources (journal, book, website);
·      ' how to produce a written scientific work (writing, quotations, notes and bibliography, plagiarism situations);
·      ' how to use bibliographic management software in connection with a word processing program.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The aim of this course is to enable students to acquire the computer knowledge and skills necessary to research, process and format (data and references) the resources required to produce oral presentations and written work of scientific quality.
Practical applications, in relation to the specific areas covered in the first year of the Bachelor of Science, will provide students with a specific experience closely linked to their studies and their future profession.
Contents of the 10 courses :
  • Introduction, objectives, group activities, UCLouvain documentary tools, ...
  • Documentary research, Scopus, Open Access resources, source evaluation, generative AI, ...
  • Citation and bibliography management, Zotero, ...
  • Excel: basic functions, import, formulas and calcul, sorting, ...
  • Excel: graphics, statistics, ...
  • Word: style, References, layout and inserts, ...
  • Power Point presentation tool, poster and public speaking
  • Advanced Word and Excel, Pivot tables, ...
  • Session of presentation of student's works, synthesis and discussions
  • Revision and MCQ test
The 5 sessions of exercices will allow the application of the learnings to the realization of a group work.
Teaching methods
The lectures in the auditorium (10 x 2 hours) and the practical work sessions in IT rooms (5 x 2 hours) are given in Q1 from the start of the academic year, so that the main learning outcomes are achieved by mid-November. Practical training is an integral part of the teaching, enabling students to apply what they have learned to a job that incorporates all the subjects covered. Students are invited to interact in class or during practical exercises to share their questions.
The main thread of this course is a work in groups of 2 students maximum on a zoology topic, with a focus on preserving biodiversity, or veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, with a focus on animal welfare. It will include documentary research and bibliography management, data analysis and graphing in Excel, writing in Word and a Power Point presentation (a course will be devoted to their presentation). This work must include a critical, responsible, sourced and ethical analysis of the generative AI used.
The documentary research and IT tools presented form a logical and structured learning package whose overall value is greater than the sum of its parts. And than, from the start of the academic year, active attendance at every class and every practical session is therefore essential. Completing a group project is also part of the learning process, so the active involvement of each student in the work will also be monitored.
Evaluation methods
For this course, students will be assessed in two ways:
  • Continuous assessment for 50% (10/20) of the final grade, consisting of a work to be to be handed in by 02 December 2024. The assessment will focus on the quality and completeness of the work required in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Documentary Research and Bibliography Management. In the event of failure on this part, the revised work (in whole or in part) must be submitted by 30 April 2025 for assessment in June. For the session of August, the assessment of the work will be a live revision of the work during an oral examination.
  • Continuous assessment, certifying 50% (10/20) of the final grade, consisting of a work to be handed in by 02 December 2024. The assessment will focus on the quality and completeness of the work required (1) in Excel, Word, Power Point and (2) in documentary research, bibliography management and critical analysis of a question posed to the generative AI. Any detection of plagiarism will invalidate the evaluation for this part (2). In the event of failure for this continuous assessment, the revised work (in whole or in part) must be submitted by 30 April 2025 for the June session. In the event of a postponement to August, the assessment of the work will be based on a live revision of the work during an oral examination.
    Translated with (free version)
  • The exam in the January session, which accounts for 50% (10/20) of the final grade, will be written and will consist of two parts: a MCQ on theory with around twenty questions (points are awarded for each correct answer and none for no answer or incorrect answer) and exercises, partly related to the work, on bibliography management and Excel. This written exam is neither open-book nor computer-based. In June and August, this exam will be oral and will include the same types of questions.
In the event of exam in June ou Augustus (after a negative evaluation in January), a remediation is foreseen in Q2 either to improve/redo all or part of the work if there is a failure in this part of the assessment, or to revise the course if there is a failure in the written part in the January session, or both if there is a failure in both parts.
Other information
Demonstrations and support in Word, Excel and Power Point during lectures and practical sessions will be based on the Office Suite for Windows on Dell PCs. This suite of IT tools is installed on Dell UCLouvain PCs in the libraries and learning centres or in the IT training rooms and is freely accessible to students after identification. Students may, of course, use their own laptops, but it is strongly recommended that they do not attempt to use a tablet or free software with incomplete functionality.
The team at the Bibliothèque des sciences et technologies Learning center Pasteur (BST) is also there to help students with documentary research and bibliography management. Check out their website and help services at and don't hesitate to ask for their help at reception desk.
For group work, BST also has 28 work rooms available on the different floors of the library: 21 work rooms seating 4 to 5 people, 6 of which are equipped with a screen, 5 rooms seating 8 people with a screen, 4 of which are equipped for video-conferencing (can also be used for projection), 2 self-study rooms equipped with a double-screen computer (1 to 3 people max.).
Online resources
All the resources of this course are made available on the Moodle UCLouvain institutional platform.
Le catalogue des bibliothèques UCLouvain propose de nombreux livres et e-books sur les outils bureautiques, la recherche documentaire ou la rédaction scientifique.
En BST, les livres avec la cote de rangement Z au niveau 1 sont de bons compléments en matière de rédaction scientifique, gestion de bibliographie, etc.
Parmi les bonnes références de prises en main Word et Excel, plusieurs exemplaires du titre suivant sont disponibles en BST dans la section des manuels de référence au Niveau 0 :
Coffret livres Excel et Word (versions 2019 et Office 365) - Coffret de deux livres (Editions ENI 2019, 1456 p.)
Pour le travail, outre les e-books et revues en lignes, en BST les livres de zoologie sont classés en QL (niveau 3) et ceux de médecine vétérinaire et élevage en SF (niveau 4).
Teaching materials
  • voir Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine