Main themes
The course will underline the contribution of sociological theory to the understanding of socialisation, education and training in contemporary societies. The following themes will be examined: the links between education, socialisation and social integration, the genesis and transformation of the school institution in relation to politi-cal (the development of the Nation-State, the Europeanization process), socio-economic (the transformation of capitalism) or cultural factors (the individualization process).
It will also treat central questions for the sociology of education, locating the theoretical and methodological particularities of its diverse streams : for instance, the sociology of school inequalities (Boudon, Bourdieu), of the transformation of curriculum and pedagogy (Bernstein), the qualitative sociology of the actors in the educa-tion and training processes (teachers, families, pupils). Finally, the course will take into consideration the ques-tions central to the contemporary transformations of education and training systems : globalisation and evolution of school systems' regulation, transformations of schools and of the teaching profession, policies aim-ing at fighting against school failure and at treating the symptoms of the "school crisis" (violence, incivility), development of adult training policies and "lifelong learning".
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | The objective of the course is to develop the following skills and knowledge - Introducing to the main concepts and theories of the sociology of education and training - Understanding the processes in education and training that produce social inequalities - Understanding the macro-sociological relations between educational systems, States, economic systems and societies - Developing the capacity to analyse the main elements of educational systems: educational policies and the State, schools, families, pupils Demonstrating the contribution of sociological analysis in highlighting education and training issues at stake in the Belgian education system and at European level. |
Le cours s'appuie principalement sur l'ouvrage suivant :
Draelants, H. (2019). Comment l’école reste inégalitaire. Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Autres ouvrages de référence conseillés :
Draelants, H. (2019). Comment l’école reste inégalitaire. Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Autres ouvrages de référence conseillés :
- Blanchard, M., Cayouette, J. (2016). Sociologie de l’école, Paris : La Découverte.
- Darmon, M. (2006). La socialisation. Paris : Armand Colin.
- Duru-Bellat, M., van Zanten, A. (dir.) (2009). Sociologie du système éducatif. Les inégalités scolaires. Paris, PUF.
- Felouzis, G. (2014). Les inégalités scolaires. Paris : PUF.
- Mehta, J., & Davies, S. (2018). Education in a New Society. Renewing the Sociology of Education. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
- van Zanten, A. (dir.). (2017). Dictionnaire de l’éducation. Paris, PUF [2de édition].
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