Socio-anthropology : inhabiting space

ltarc1344  2024-2025  Tournai

Socio-anthropology : inhabiting space
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
  1. Introduction to the social-anthropological theories and concepts of living
  2. Relationships between the needs of production and appropriation of space for living
  3. Different scales of living : domestic, urban and rural areas
  4. Relationships between inhabited areas and social  diversity
  5. Methodology in humanities and social sciences adapted to the contexts being studied
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
  • adopt a relative and critical point of view on  the ways in which we live.
  • identify the issues involved in the appropriation of space by the inhabitants.
  • interpret the issues of social coexistence in the inhabited areas.
  • establish and make a case for the shape of an architectural project based on the analyses and methods learned during the course.
Contribution to the learning outcome reference framework:
Place the action
  • Recognise, observe and describe the targeted environments and contexts
Make use of other subjects
  • Seek out other approaches, exchanges of views and ways of enhancing thinking about architecture
  • Make use of other subjects to ask questions about the design and implementation of an architectural project
SEGAUD (Marion), Anthropologie de l’espace: habiter, fonder, distribuer, transformer, Paris, Armand Colin, 248 p.
BESSE, Jean-Marc, 2013, Habiter un monde à mon image, Paris, Flammarion.
LEFEBVRE, Henri, 1968, Le droit à la ville, Paris Anthropos.
ILLICH, Ivan, 1973,  La convivialité, Henri, 1968, Paris, Le Seuil.
SERFATY-GARZON, Perla, 2003, Chez soi : les territoires de l’intimité, Paris, Armand Colin.
SALIGNON, Bernard, 1992, Qu’est-ce que l’habiter?, Nice, Editions Z’Edit(réédition en 2010), La villette), 156 p. 
LA MACHE, Denis, 2006, L’art d’habiter un grand ensemble HLM, Paris, L’Harmattan, 246 p.
DE CERTEAU, Michel, 1994, L’invention du quotidien, Tome II : habiter, cuisiner, Paris, Gallimard, 448p.
LEPOUTRE, David, Cœur de banlieue: codes, rites et langages, Paris, Odile Jacob, 1997, 362 p. 
BOYER, Jillian, Sur l'appropriation de l'espace. Etudes et réflexions spécifiques sur le quartier Sainte-Blandine/Confluence, Agence d'urbanisme pour le développement de l'agglomération lyonnaise.
SEGAUD, Marion, BRUN, Jacques, DRIANT, Jean-Claude (sous la direction de), 2003, Dictionnaire critique de l'habitat et du logement, Paris,  Editions Armand Colin.
PATE, Gilles, ARGILLET, Stéphane, 2003, Le repos du Fakir, Paris, 6’20 (film).
LEVI-STRAUSS, Claude, Contribution à l’étude de l’organisation sociale des Indiens Bororos, Journal de la société des Amérindiens, no 28-2, p 269-304.
THERY (Hervé), Claude Lévi-Strauss, Pierre Monbeig et Roger Brunet, EchoGéo (en lgine), no 7, déc 2008, mis en ligne le 24 nov 2008, consulté le 30 janvier 2013.   
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Architecture (Tournai)