Research seminar in dogmatic theology

ltheo2932  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Research seminar in dogmatic theology
5.00 credits
30.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2024-2025
Main themes
To achieve those objectives, one will study a specific theme of dogmatic theology or a determined author. Each student will present a study which will be the subject of a discussion together.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 - to carry out a critical research in the field of dogmatic theology ;
2 - to present the results of his/her work clearly and to highlight them.
Dogmatics of Christian Freedom
a) Theology
God, the being who loves in freedom (Barth, Jüngel); The freedom of God in creation and salvation (Rahner, Sesboüé, Ladaria)
b) Protology (anthropology and cosmology)
Creation ex nihilo, condition of possibility of the new and the singular of human freedom (Gesché, Ladaria); Man in the image of God (Betschart, Sesboüé, Ladaria); Cosmology: the eternal future of Creation (Teilhard)
c) Christology and soteriology
Salvation, liberation from freedom in Jesus Christ (Kasper)
The freedom of Jesus Christ, form of divine and human freedom
1/ kenosis, obedience of the Word before Jesus: "behold I come" (He); "annihilates himself" (Ph); "Word made flesh" (Jn) (Balthasar); 2/ the amen of his witness in the flesh: obedience, creativity, filiation (Kasper, Duquoc, Durrwell); 3/ the freedom of the glory of the Son seated at the right hand of the Father, in his glorified humanity (Rahner, Durrwell)
d) Theology of grace - Christian existence - Spirituality
Freedom conformed in love to the likeness of God's being (Lubac, Sesboüé, Ladaria)
e) Ecclesiology
Freedom of the faithful in the Church (Dostoyevsky, The Grand Inquisitor; Moingt, Rahner), freedom of the Church in the world, religious freedom in society.
f) Eschatology (anthropology)
The freedom of the glory of the children of God (Sesboüé, Ladaria)
Teaching methods
The seminar lives from the active participation of students who read and annotate in advance the texts discussed in the sessions (about 10 pages to be reviewed for each session). Two short papers per session (10 minutes maximum at the beginning of each hour) introduce the debate in which everyone participates. A student writes a short report of the debates (naming the points and issues raised), which is read at the beginning of the next session. The schedule for a session is as follows: 
* preliminary: approval of the minutes of the previous session (5 minutes)
* communication 1 : 10 mn + debate : 40 mn
* break (15 mn) 
* communication 2: 10 mn + debate: 40 mn.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation: At the end of the seminary, the student will write a written synthesis of the course completed, in the form of a thesis to be defended during the last session. The evaluation takes into account the active participation in the seminar, the oral and written presentation, as well as the final synthesis, according to the proportion: Communications: 50%; Participation in debates: 50%.
Other information
The list of texts to be studied as well as the calendar of the seminar will be available during the month of January on the Drive website.
Online resources
Teaching materials
  • Voir le site Drive
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Theology

Certificat universitaire en théologie (approfondissement)

Master [120] in Theology