Specialised Translation Workshops - Dutch

ltrad2131  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Specialised Translation Workshops - Dutch
7.00 credits
15.0 h + 60.0 h
For allophone students with a competency level of B2 in both French and Dutch
Main themes
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Contribution of teaching unit to learning outcomes assigned to programme
This unit contributes to the acquisition and development of the following learning outcomes, as assigned to the Master's degree in translation
1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7
Specific learning outcomes on completion of teaching unit
On completing this unit the student is able to:
·         Undertake documentary and terminological research relevant to the source text employing rigour and critical acumen; 
·         Structure and utilize documentary and terminological research findings; 
Transpose a specialized text in Dutch into written French paying attention to meaning and register and the terminology specific to the domain in question. 
Translation of texts dealing with specialised topics in the legal, economic, scientific and technical fields.

Scientific and technical translation workshop
Translation of scientific texts in real-life professional situation; presentation of the topic; technical explanations and comments; documentary and terminological research. The translation should be of usable quality for a specialised professional. Introduction to scientific subtitling (SubRip).

Legal translation workshop
Task: translation of texts with legal content according to the different branches of Belgian Law as presented by teachers, journalists, vulgarizers, to a public of (young) adults (legal experts or not). Translation of court documents (reports, judgements).
Purpose: producing a reliable translation that enables the reader (legal expert or not) to use it as a reliable and understandable piece of information on which he can base his (private or professional) action.

Economic translation workshop
Translation of texts with economic content and different difficulty levels, lengths and linguistic/drafting qualities.
Teaching methods
Scientific and technical translation workshop
Practice-oriented and example-based teaching. Management and translation of texts with different scientific contents, difficulty levels, lengths and linguistic/drafting qualities. Lectures and practice sessions (theory, mission description, Q&A, corrections, search for terminology/phraseology, practical exercises, project finalisation).

Legal translation workshop
Teaching based on practice, examples and sharing of ideas. Management and translation of texts with legal content. Presentation of the topic, documentary and terminological research, translations done individually or in groups: confrontation of the solutions found to solve some difficulties, comments and explanations if asked for by the students, attempt to develop a methodology that could be used professionally on a larger scale according to the kind(s) of solved problems, final proofreading, qualitative feedback by the teacher, who will comment on the translation. Lectures and practice sessions.

Economic translation workshop
Management and translation of texts with economic content and different difficulty levels, lengths and linguistic/drafting qualities. Qualitative feedback by the teacher, who will comment on the corrected translation. Lectures and practice sessions.
Evaluation methods
During the term: formative assessment.
January and August/September sessions: written examination.
Students are required to take one written examination per translation workshop (i.e. economic, legal, and scientific/technical translation) in connection with the topics dealt with during the term.
The final grade will consist of three integrated parts of equal importance. A pass (i.e. 10/20 or more) in at least two of the three parts is required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge laid out in the learning outcomes of the course. A failing grade (i.e. less than 10/20) in two parts of the course will result in a failing grade for the whole course. If the final mark is less than 10/20, the failed parts will have to be taken again during the August/September exam session. In case of an unjustified absence, students will have to take all three translation workshops during the August/September exam session. Students who have failed the course when the academic year ends will have to take all three translation workshops (economic, legal, scientific/technical) the following year.
The use of machine translation is strictly forbidden.
Other information
Online resources
Resources available on Moodle.

Legal translation workshop: the official Belgian websites: SPF, government, courts, tribunals, Facuty of Law, in Dutch and in French.
Atelier scientifique et technique :
Bibliographie donnée au cours en fonction des domaines abordés.

Atelier juridique :
Bibliographie donnée au cours selon l'actualité des branches du droit abordées.

Atelier économique :
Sirjacobs, G. (coordinateur) (2015) : Néerlandais des affaires, Vol 1 Vocabulaire thématique, De Boeck, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Sirjacobs, G. (coordinateur) (2015) : Néerlandais des affaires, Vol 2 Phrases types, exercices et presse business, De Boeck, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Translation