Plant biology applied to breeding

lvete1111  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Plant biology applied to breeding
3.00 credits
22.5 h + 15.0 h
Main themes

1. Outline of the history of the process of domestication.
2. Description of the agrarian systems in Belgium. This chapter aims at familiarizing the students to the various types of farms.
3. Notions of cultivation techniques, notions of the vegetable biomass processing, notions of plant classification and morphology, presentation of the main plants of interest in animal food cultivated in our regions. This part aims at familiarizing the students to the techniques of plants production and processing used to feed farm animals
4. Presentation of the main toxic plants of our regions (determination, type of poisoning, target animals, incidence in veterinary medicine).
5. Practical activities (15 h). Visit of farms (breeding and cultivation), determination of food and toxic plants, making a small herbarium.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 This course aims at presenting to the future veterinarians the most important aspects of the agricultural productions used for the animal food as well as the most frequent toxic plants of our country.
History of the domestication of plants and animals. Description of the various agrarian systems in Belgium. Elements of botanical morphology. Study of the cultural characteristics of around thirty food plants and about fifteen toxic plants
Teaching methods

Oral lecture by the professor
Practical class: dissection of flowers, visits of farms and determination on the field of food and toxic plants
Evaluation methods
written exam and herbarium
Failure to submit the herbarium will result in a final mark for LVETE1111 of no more than 5/20.
Participation in the practical work is compulsory and essential to validate the teaching unit. Any unjustified absence will result in a penalty in the EU examination, up to and including cancellation of the examination grade for the year in question (0/20). In the event of repeated absences, even if justified, the teacher may propose to the jury that registration for the examination relating to the EU be refused, in accordance with article 72 of the RGEE.
Online resources
 syllabus available on the Moodle platform.  This syllabus is also available in printed form at the DUC.
powerpoint available on moodle
online flora ( website)
LVET1111 Biologie végétale appliquée à l'élevage (syllabus)

La flore de référence est : Anne-Laure Jacquemart et Charlotte Descamps, Flore écologique de Belgique, éditions De Boeck
Teaching materials
  • LVET1111 Biologie végétale appliquée à l'élevage (syllabus)
  • Anne-Laure Jacquemart et Charlotte Descamps, Flore écologique de Belgique, éditions De Boeck
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine