Pharmacie et société

wfarm2236  2024-2025  Bruxelles Woluwe

Pharmacie et société
4.00 credits
37.5 h
The course is divided into 4 main modules. To encourage contextualization and links across learning, each teacher integrates case studies into his or her teaching.
- Terminology in Belgian and European legislation; competent authorities; definition of a medicine 
Module 1: Medicines (legislation) 
- Main focus: medicinal products; some information and points of attention will be given concerning medical devices (and food supplements)
- Drug development and marketing 
- Pharmacovigilance 
- Legislative and ethical aspects of advertising and other promotional activities 
Module 2: the pharmacist and the community pharmacy
- Pharmacy: physical elements, good pharmaceutical practices, pharmaceutical acts, etc. 
- Order of pharmacists, code of ethics, disciplinary procedure
Module 3: the pharmacist in interaction with the patient and other healthcare professionals
- Sharing health data, patient rights, interprofessionality
- Relationship ethics: interculturality, gender issues, interprofessionality, risk communication, new technical mediations
Module 4: The pharmacist in the Belgian healthcare system 
- Financing the healthcare system: economic, social and philosophical modes, principles and issues. Efficiency, equity and sustainability of the Belgian healthcare system. 
- Individual patient responsibility and equity issues. The pharmacist's economic and social role in this context.
Evaluation methods
Written exam with knowledge, comprehension and application questions relating to different parts of the course. Questions are MCQs and open-ended. Each teacher provides details and examples relating to his or her part of the course.
Other information
Evaluation : Written examination. The students will receive an exhaustive list of possible questions. Support / References : Pieces of recent publications: 1. Kesenne Jos, Avalosse Hervé and Léonard Christian, Implicit privatisation in Belgian Health Care, in Privatisation in European Health Care - A comparative analysis in eight countries, Maarse Hans editor, Elsevier gezondheidszorg, Maarssen, 2004, pp. 33 - 48 2. Léonard Christian, La responsabilisation individuelle : aboutissement de la logique néo-libérale et de l'individualisme in Pauvretés - Sommes - nous sans ressources, Sous la direction de Paul Lowenthal et Marcel Gérard, Couleur Livres, Bruxelles, 2006, pp. 7 - 31 3. Léonard Christian, Croissance contre santé - Quelle responsabilisation du malade ?, Couleur Livres, Bruxelles, 2006 4. Léonard Christian, La responsabilisation du patient. Comment définir les contours d'un outil efficace et de réappropriation de sa santé par le citoyen et de maîtrise des dépenses de santé par l'Etat ? Ethica Clinica, Juin 2007, N°46, pp. 29 - 48 5. Léonard Christian, La responsabilisation du patient - Questions économiques et philosophiques - Comment passer d'une version réifiée de la responsabilisation à une responsabilisation qui autonomise l'individu, Bruxelles Informations Sociales, N°159, Juin 2008, pp.55-66 6. Léonard Christian, Sabine Stordeur, Dominique Roberfroid, Association between physician density and health care consumption: a systematic review of the evidence, Health Policy, 2009, Jan 19 7. Roberfroid D, Léonard C, Stordeur S, Physician supply forecast better than peering in a crystal ball? Human Ressources For Health, 2009, Feb 13;7(1):10 8. Léonard Christian, L'équité dans les approches post-welfaristes de la justice et la responsabilité individuelle du patient - Vers une responsabilisation capacitante, Revue des Questions Scientifiques, 180 (2), Avril 2009, pp. 173-216 9. Léonard Christian & Arnsperger Christian, You'd better suffer for a good reason: Existential economics and individual responsibility in health care, Revue de Philosophie Economique, Volume 10, N°1, Juillet 2009 pp. 125-148
Teaching materials
  • Support de cours obligatoire : Diaporamas et autres documents pdf mis à la disposition des étudiants par les enseignants.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Pharmacy