Main themes
1. Sizes and Units - Biological mechanisms of the action of the ionizing radiations
2. Acute effects of an accidental irradiation
3. Radio-induced cancers
4. Hereditary radiation effects
5. Effects of the in utero irradiation
6. Legislation : basic standards: principles of operational protection against radiation
7. Practical operations: use of detectors in situation of routine; dosimetry of the workers: visits of the installations of physical control
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering
Advanced Master in Radiotherapy-Oncology
Advanced Master in Nuclear Medicine
Certificat universitaire en physique d'hôpital
Advanced Master in Occupational Medicine
Certificat universitaire en radioprotection pour les médecins du travail
Certificat universitaire en radiopharmacie
Master [120] in Medical Physics