The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
The aim of this course in Bloc 2 is to push the students forward to an intermediate level (B2). The interactive courses as well as the home assignments will help the student be competent with the language at a lexical level and with grammatical structures, but also with different skills: emphasis shall be put on speaking, reading and listening. Writing is also included. |
- Class presentations and discussions on current issue and socio-professional life: press articles, audio/video, … - Basic grammar revision (self-study) and advanced grammar: connectives, advanced tenses + conditionals, indirect speech, modal verbs and semi-auxiliaries. Content units: - Finance - New multimedia technologies - Company presentation - The National Bank of Belgium - The Global Financial Crisis - The EU Economy |
Teaching methods
ANGL1291A - Anglais II - Q1 [1 Q. • 30 Th. • Weight. : 40]
ANGL1291B - Anglais II - Q2 [2 Q. • 30 Th. • Weight. : 60]
Interactive course: communicative and interactive approach.
A dispensatory test is organised 1x/year, at the very beginning of the academic year, for students who have obtained 16 and + /20 in the BANGL, Bloc 1 course. This is a written test, and if it is passed with 16/20 or more, students then take an individual oral test, in which they are tested on their ability to discuss broad subjects in their field, at a B2 level of oral expression. The course is waived when the final mark (50% written and 50% oral) is 16/20 or more.
ANGL1291B - Anglais II - Q2 [2 Q. • 30 Th. • Weight. : 60]
Interactive course: communicative and interactive approach.
A dispensatory test is organised 1x/year, at the very beginning of the academic year, for students who have obtained 16 and + /20 in the BANGL, Bloc 1 course. This is a written test, and if it is passed with 16/20 or more, students then take an individual oral test, in which they are tested on their ability to discuss broad subjects in their field, at a B2 level of oral expression. The course is waived when the final mark (50% written and 50% oral) is 16/20 or more.
Evaluation methods
Q1 & Q2 each receive a grade (80 Q1 points, 120 Q2 points). Q1 is therefore worth 40% of the year's total, Q2 60%. For the UE to be validated, a score of 10/20 or more must be reached at the end of the year for the total of the two quadrimestres. Moreover, to be validated, the student must sit all parts of the exams: written and oral exams; if there is a 0A at one part, it can lead to 0A at the total of the UE. If the student fails to reach 10/20 in Q1, he or she cannot be re-examined in May, only in August. The Q1 exam takes place before in December the regular exam session and includes a written part (50 points) and an oral part (30 points). The Q2 exam takes place in May before the regular exam session and includes an oral part (presentation and discussions for 20 points, oral exam for 40 points) and a written part (60 points). In August/September, the grade of the parts of the course in which students scored 10/20 or higher during the academic year is transferred to the August/September session. Students who have not participated in the group presentation during the academic year are required to prepare an individual presentation for the August/September exam session. Q3: exam Q1 /40 (écrit: /20, oral: /20): same material to study than Q1 exam Q2 /60 (écrit: /30, oral: /30): same material to study than Q2. Very important note: Use of generative artificial intelligence (or any other online tool, e.g. translators, spelling and grammar checking tools, ...) If the student chooses to use one or more AIs (or any other online tool), he/she is required to systematically indicate all parts that have been used, e.g. in footnotes. The student must specify whether the AI was used to search for information, to write the text or to improve or correct it. The student should also mention which AI was used (ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, Chatsonic, etc.) and the date on which it was used. These sources of information will be systematically cited in compliance with the bibliographic referencing standards indicated by the course tutor. Students remain responsible for the content of their work, regardless of the sources used. In order to ensure that the student's written work is personal, criteria such as originality, critical thinking, creativity and illustration with examples (e.g. from his/her own experience) will be taken into account. Any behaviour on the part of the student that prevents or attempts to prevent, in whole or in part, a correct assessment of his/her knowledge, skills and/or competences will be considered an irregularity and may result in sanctions. See the charter: ‘Integrity Commitment’. |
Other information
Attendance is highly recommended.
A medical attest must be provided in case of absence at any test or exam and must be sent to the professor and the Faculty Administration, within 24h. Failure to do it will result in a 0A grade.
A medical attest must be provided in case of absence at any test or exam and must be sent to the professor and the Faculty Administration, within 24h. Failure to do it will result in a 0A grade.
Online resources
Moodle page for the course: BANGL1291- Anglais II
La bibliographie du syllabus est intégrée à chaque chapitre du syllabus de ce cours;
Pour écrire cette fiche, l'IA fut utilisée pour les traductions.
Pour écrire cette fiche, l'IA fut utilisée pour les traductions.
Teaching materials
- Syllabus BANGL1291- Anglais II - Business Administration & Economic Sciences, ECGE-INGE Bloc 2 – 2024-2025.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes