The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
The teaching unit provides a set of socio-historical benchmarks on the emergence and evolution of ‘analog’ and ‘digital’ media. Social, cultural, political, economic and technological aspects of the history of media (and audiences) are addressed. Each time, the aim is to situate the media (and their audiences) in a multidimensional context that shapes their evolution (one can think, for example, of the political context or technological innovation) but on which they also act.
The teaching unit also offers students the opportunity to learn how to produce an audiovisual or multimedia production for media literacy and/or science popularisation purpose.
The teaching unit also offers students the opportunity to learn how to produce an audiovisual or multimedia production for media literacy and/or science popularisation purpose.
Teaching methods
The teaching unit uses two teaching methods:
1) Students will be required to read in depth a series of texts on the social-history of the media. This reading is first done on an individual basis. Then, during class sessions (face-to-face or at a distance), students help each other to answer collectively a series of questions (reading guides provided beforehand) aimed at structuring their understanding of the texts. They can freely use the resources available on the internet (face-to-face classes are held in a computer room). Moodle will be used to share these resources throughout the class as a whole.
2) Students in small groups (if necessary at a distance) will also be asked to produce an audiovisual or multimedia production consisting of a presentation of scientific texts extending one of the teaching unit’s compulsory readings. The exact arrangements for producing and evaluating the productions will be specified at the beginning of the course.
This teaching unit does not include any lectures as such. It relies on the fact that students work on the course material on their own and take advantage of the course sessions to collectively develop a knowledge of the ‘subject’. The active participation of students is therefore a prerequisite for the smooth running and success of the teaching unit.
A few class sessions take place at a distance
1) Students will be required to read in depth a series of texts on the social-history of the media. This reading is first done on an individual basis. Then, during class sessions (face-to-face or at a distance), students help each other to answer collectively a series of questions (reading guides provided beforehand) aimed at structuring their understanding of the texts. They can freely use the resources available on the internet (face-to-face classes are held in a computer room). Moodle will be used to share these resources throughout the class as a whole.
2) Students in small groups (if necessary at a distance) will also be asked to produce an audiovisual or multimedia production consisting of a presentation of scientific texts extending one of the teaching unit’s compulsory readings. The exact arrangements for producing and evaluating the productions will be specified at the beginning of the course.
This teaching unit does not include any lectures as such. It relies on the fact that students work on the course material on their own and take advantage of the course sessions to collectively develop a knowledge of the ‘subject’. The active participation of students is therefore a prerequisite for the smooth running and success of the teaching unit.
A few class sessions take place at a distance
Evaluation methods
The evaluation has two components:
1) a written examination (60% of the final mark) on compulsory readings. The exam may include closed and/or open-ended questions. Students may have annotated course materials for the examination. If the health situation requires it, the written exam is taken remotely on Moodle.
2) the audiovisual/multimedia production, which extends and enriches one of the compulsory readings (40% of the final mark). The exact evaluation criteria will be specified at the beginning of the course. This performance is subject to a collective mark.
The teaching unit cannot run smoothly without the active participation of students in the course sessions. This is why the attendance is checked at each session, either in person or at a distance. A student who is absent without justification from more than two sessions obtains an overall mark of 0/20 in June.
The final grade is the result of a weighted average of the marks obtained in the two components of the assessment. An assignment that is not presented is considered as an absence and therefore results in the failure of the teaching unit. In the event of failure of the final grade, the failed components of the assessment must be represented.
The same assessments as in June apply in September, except that:
- the audiovisual production is made individually unless the whole sub-group fails, in which case the audiovisual production is made collectively;
- attendance is no longer taken into account.
The audiovisual production is an original production. Students are expected to scrupulously respect the rules and good practices of citation, referencing and non-plagiarism.
The use of generative AI is accepted as long as it is occasional and limited. The use of AI must be explicitly indicated. Any part of the work relying, in any way, on generative AI must be clearly identified (for example, by a footnote), specifying which generative AI tool was used and for what purpose.
“Reusing” a personal or group assignment carried out within the framework of any other teaching unit requires a great deal of caution. Exceptionally, such an approach may be considered provided that the student (1) requests permission from the assistant, (2) justifies this “reuse”, which, as a whole, must obviously constitute an original contribution compared to the first work, and (3) scrupulously applies the rules of citation and referencing to any use of this assignment. Failure to comply with these rules may be considered an irregularity (self-plagiarism).
Any failure to apply the rules set out above may lead to an academic and/or disciplinary sanction for plagiarism and/or irregularity, in accordance with the general regulations for studies and examinations.
1) a written examination (60% of the final mark) on compulsory readings. The exam may include closed and/or open-ended questions. Students may have annotated course materials for the examination. If the health situation requires it, the written exam is taken remotely on Moodle.
2) the audiovisual/multimedia production, which extends and enriches one of the compulsory readings (40% of the final mark). The exact evaluation criteria will be specified at the beginning of the course. This performance is subject to a collective mark.
The teaching unit cannot run smoothly without the active participation of students in the course sessions. This is why the attendance is checked at each session, either in person or at a distance. A student who is absent without justification from more than two sessions obtains an overall mark of 0/20 in June.
The final grade is the result of a weighted average of the marks obtained in the two components of the assessment. An assignment that is not presented is considered as an absence and therefore results in the failure of the teaching unit. In the event of failure of the final grade, the failed components of the assessment must be represented.
The same assessments as in June apply in September, except that:
- the audiovisual production is made individually unless the whole sub-group fails, in which case the audiovisual production is made collectively;
- attendance is no longer taken into account.
The audiovisual production is an original production. Students are expected to scrupulously respect the rules and good practices of citation, referencing and non-plagiarism.
The use of generative AI is accepted as long as it is occasional and limited. The use of AI must be explicitly indicated. Any part of the work relying, in any way, on generative AI must be clearly identified (for example, by a footnote), specifying which generative AI tool was used and for what purpose.
“Reusing” a personal or group assignment carried out within the framework of any other teaching unit requires a great deal of caution. Exceptionally, such an approach may be considered provided that the student (1) requests permission from the assistant, (2) justifies this “reuse”, which, as a whole, must obviously constitute an original contribution compared to the first work, and (3) scrupulously applies the rules of citation and referencing to any use of this assignment. Failure to comply with these rules may be considered an irregularity (self-plagiarism).
Any failure to apply the rules set out above may lead to an academic and/or disciplinary sanction for plagiarism and/or irregularity, in accordance with the general regulations for studies and examinations.
Other information
The compulsory readings may be in English.
Online resources
The teaching unit has a website on Moodle.
La liste des lectures obligatoires sera fournie en début de cours.
Bibliographie indicative :
Arnold, K., Preston, P., et Kinnebrock, S. (dir.), The Handbook of European Communication History, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.
Balbi, G., et Magaudda, P., A History of Digital Media. An Intermedia and Global Perspective, Londres et New York, Routledge, 2018.
Barbier, F., et Bertho-Lavenir,C., Histoire des médias de Diderot à Internet, Paris, Armand Colin, 1996.
Briggs, A., et Burke, P., A Social History of the Media, 4ème éd. revue et mise à jour par E. Ytreberg, Polity, 2020.
Eisenstein, E. L., La Révolution de l'imprimé à l'aube de l'Europe moderne, Paris, La Découverte, 1991.
Flichy, P. Une histoire de la communication moderne. Espace public et vie privée, Paris, La Découverte, 1997.
Jeanneney, J.-N., Une histoire des médias des origines à nos jours, Paris, Seuil, 1996.
Van den Dungen, P., Milieux de presse et journalistes en Belgique (1828-1914), Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2005
Bibliographie indicative :
Arnold, K., Preston, P., et Kinnebrock, S. (dir.), The Handbook of European Communication History, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.
Balbi, G., et Magaudda, P., A History of Digital Media. An Intermedia and Global Perspective, Londres et New York, Routledge, 2018.
Barbier, F., et Bertho-Lavenir,C., Histoire des médias de Diderot à Internet, Paris, Armand Colin, 1996.
Briggs, A., et Burke, P., A Social History of the Media, 4ème éd. revue et mise à jour par E. Ytreberg, Polity, 2020.
Eisenstein, E. L., La Révolution de l'imprimé à l'aube de l'Europe moderne, Paris, La Découverte, 1991.
Flichy, P. Une histoire de la communication moderne. Espace public et vie privée, Paris, La Découverte, 1997.
Jeanneney, J.-N., Une histoire des médias des origines à nos jours, Paris, Seuil, 1996.
Van den Dungen, P., Milieux de presse et journalistes en Belgique (1828-1914), Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2005
Teaching materials
- Socio-histoire des médias - Portefeuille de lecture
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes