Multimedia communication and Web technologies

bcomu1318  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Multimedia communication and Web technologies
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!


The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  1. Make sound use of theoretical resources in communication to analyse and develop multimedia communication plan;
  2. Apply the specifics of web writing, content curation and enrichment;
  3. Acquire a basic understanding of IT culture and key technology concepts in multimedia content management on the web;
  4. Use, deploy, interpret and evaluate the methods and challenges involved in designing and producing a multimedia communication project, including the implications in terms of communication strategy, project management, drawing up specifications and client recommendations;
  5. Apply search engine optimisation techniques (SEO, SMO, SEA, SMA);
  6. Understand the fundamentals of promoting multimedia communication plan;
  7. Present a practical project clearly, precisely and concisely, and justify the choices and recommendations made in the framework of this project.
The course comprises a lecture part and a practical part, the aim of which will be to apply the theoretical concepts.
The lecture part covers a range of fields and concepts relating to multimedia communication and the specific features of web technologies. In particular, this part proposes an approach of the following elements:
  • Multimedia communication strategy: analysis of the sender and definition of its needs; analysis of the target audience and its expectations; development of the cross- or transmedia communication strategy and plan;
  • Digital Marketing: SWOT analysis of social networks; definition of personas; definition of SMART objectives and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators); concept of customer journey;
  • Web technology: introduction to architecture of computer and social networks; introduction to data management; technological, semio-pragmatic and socio-cultural characteristics of communication devices, particularly those on the web; scripting, design and ergonomics of web communication;
  • Project management: introduction to communication project management (briefing, specifications, recommendations, client presentation, …).
The practical part aims to apply theoretical concepts covered in the lecture part of the course. It consists of carrying out a multimedia communication project. This assignment, based on a concrete case study, is carried out in groups of 3 to 4 students maximum.
Teaching methods
The course uses two teaching methods:
  1. Theoretical concepts presentation (30h): as part of the lecture, the teacher explains theoretical and methodological aspects of the subject using visual support. These aspects are also explored with the help of concrete cases, as illustrations or application exercises carried out during the session, the aim of which is to encourage students to take ownership of the subject matter.
  2. Supervision for the practical part of the course (15h): as part of the practical part of the course, students will be asked to produce a work that demonstrates their ability to make a good use of theoretical concepts and notions related to multimedia communication strategy and to the principles of communication project management. This assignment is based on an existing case study and consists of an analysis of existing multimedia communication, proposals for improving and/or creating a multimedia communication plan as well as the creation of multimedia communication campaigns (mock-up/prototype/simulation). This assignment will be carried out partly during certain course sessions, with the supervision of the teacher (or in the form of a duty period), and partly outside the course sessions.
Evaluation methods
For the first session, the evaluation of the course includes different components:
  1. Completion, in groups, of the first part of the assignment due +/- 1 month after the start of the course (10%)
  2. Submission of the group assignment (document setting out the various tasks required as part of the assignment) by the end of the quarter (50%)
  3. Group presentation and oral defence of the group assignment, before the end of the quarter (20%)
  4. Oral exam, which consists of an individual reflection on the group assignment and the mobilisation of additional theoretical notions that would enable to improve the work (20%)
In the event of unjustified failure to submit intermediate or final assignment or unjustified absence from the oral presentation, the student will receive a final mark of 0A/20 for the course at the first session. In case of late submission of intermediate or final assignment, 4 points out of 20 will be deducted for each day of delay, up to a maximum of 5 days. Beyond this, the student also receives a final mark of 0A/20 for the course at the first session.
The assignments are a personal production. Students are expected to scrupulously respect the rules and good practices of citation, referencing and non-plagiarism.
The use of generative AI is accepted as long as it is occasional and limited. The use of AI must be explicitly indicated. Any part of the work relying, in any way, on generative AI must be clearly identified (for example, by a footnote), specifying which generative AI tool was used and for what purpose.
“Reusing” a personal or group assignment carried out within the framework of any other teaching unit requires a great deal of caution. Exceptionally, such an approach may be considered provided that the student (1) requests permission from the professor or the assistant, (2) justifies this “reuse” in the assignment, which, as a whole, must obviously constitute an original contribution to the first work, and (3) scrupulously applies the rules of citation and referencing to any use of this assignment. Failure to comply with these rules may be considered an irregularity (self-plagiarism).
Any failure to apply the rules set out above may lead to an academic and/or disciplinary sanction for plagiarism and/or irregularity, in accordance with the general regulations for studies and examinations.
For the second session, students who failed the first session will be assessed on the basis of two components, i.e.:
  • Submission of an individual assignment (document setting out the various tasks requested in the instructions given by the professor or the assistant) (80%)
  • Oral exam, which consists of a presentation and oral defence of the assignment. (20%)
Online resources
The teaching unit has a course website on Moodle.
  • Bielka, S. (2024). Stratégie digitale pour captiver les internautes : Rédaction web, réseaux sociaux, vente en ligne. . . jouez sur les émotions ! Ed. 2 - ScholarVox Université (2e éd.) [En ligne]. Gereso.
  • Cardon, D. (2019). Culture numérique (Vol. 5). Paris : Presses de sciences Po.
  • Cwako Monkam, G. (2021). Communication marketing des organisations. De la stratégie au déploiement digital et numérique. Academia – L’Harmattan.
  • Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2021). Marketing 5.0: Technology for humanity. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kotler, P., Setiawan, I., Kartajaya, H., & Vandercammen, M. (2020). Marketing 4.0: l'ère du digital. De Boeck Supérieur.
  • Manovich, L., Beauvais, Y., & Crevier, R. (2010). Le langage des nouveaux médias. Les presses du réel.
  • Massou, L., Mpondo-Dicka, P., & Pinède, N. (dir.). (2022). Analyses des sites web. ISTE Editions.
  • Pinède, N., Massou, L., & Mpondo-Dicka, P. (dir.). (2023). Présences numériques des organisations. ISTE Editions.
  • Rouquette, S. (dir.). (2017). Site Internet : Audit et Stratégie. De Boeck Supérieur.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Information and Communication

Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-English)

Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-Dutch-English)