General commercial law (+ exercise sessions without casus)

bdroi1311  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

General commercial law (+ exercise sessions without casus)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h + 6.0 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

This course provides the students with a general training in commercial law.

The mastery of the concepts, their application to concrete situations and the development of a discerning mind are the main objectives.
This course is structured around the following subjects :

 I. General theory of business law
           Title 1. General points (Th. Léonard)
           Title 2 The recipients of business law (Th. Léonard, J.F. Puiraymond)
II. Introduction to corporate law (Th. Léonard)
III. The payment and financing of the company (J.-F. Puiraymond)
IV. Introduction to european competition law (Th. Léonard)
V. Trade practices and consumer protection (Th. Léonard, J.-F. Puiraymond)

Teaching methods
The teaching is a lecture.
Although the lecture is based on the Manuel de droit de l’entreprise (Anthemis, 2024), the structure adopted in class is not necessarily identical.
The lecture is completed by tutorials taught in small groups and supervised by a probationary lecturer. He will share practical vision and experiences in certain subjects (mainly corporate law and european competition law) and will devote the last practical session to preparation for the written exam.
Evaluation methods
I. Material subject to evaluation

Unless otherwise specified by the professor, the assessment will focus on:
- the subject matter covered during the lectures
- the documents analysed in class

Naturally the assessment covers the subject matter taught during the academic year in which the examination takes place.

It is important to draw the students' attention to the difficulty and level of requirement of the course. The course material is abundant and requires a "vertical" as well as "transverse" and reflective study. This difficulty can be overcome by means of attendance to lectures, regular study of the course material and, if necessary, addressing the teachers if certain points remain unclear.

II. Assessment methods

An written examination is organized in june and august. 

It can include questions of knowledge, reflection, application of theoretical principles to concrete situations and a commentary on case law which has been analysed -or not- during a lecture .

The main evaluation criteria are:
1) the adequacy of the answer in regards to the question as it is formulated;
2) the understanding and accurate formulation of the applicable rules of law;
3) the rigor, clarity and precision in the formulation and explanation of the answers;
4) the ability to understand in a reflective and critical manner the legal issues that are submitted.

III. Authorised documents and references

During the entire examination, the students may have at their disposal:
- their code(s)
Students are however not allowed to bring codes that include summaries of jurisprudence.
- additional legislation and regulations relating to the studied subject matter, including UE Communications on competition law;
- the decisions of jurisprudence, providing, however, that the students are in possession of the complete/original versions (excluding the excerpts and summaries of jurisprudence).

The authorised documents in accordance with the rules mentioned above, may:
• be underlined or highlighted (fluorescent)
• include a reference to a law or regulation and/or to a decision of jurisprudence (in this case, only the seized court and the decision date are authorised, nothing more)
• Mention a keyword or group of keywords used for classification purposes, to facilitate the search of the relevant legal or statutory provisions (such as the code title or title of a special law studied during the course).
No reference in terms of content material or structure of the course is allowed.

Any non-compliance with the instructions mentioned here above will be brought to the attention of the President of the Jury. It is the responsibility of each student to personally ensure compliance with these instructions.

IV. Students entitled to exemptions
Are only taken into account the exemptions officially recognised by the Faculty (by the CEVA Commission that reports to the juries): no unofficial exemption will therefore be given by the professors whatever the circumstances or marks previously obtained by the student.
Other information
The Manuel du droit de l'entreprise (Anthemis, 2024) is the written support for the course. It completes and exemplifies the lecture course but is not the subject of specific questioning on the points covered. The teacher will specify his requirements in this regard during the lecture.
The Manual is available with a preferential price at the reprography service.
Des orientations bibliographiques sont précisées dans le Manuel du droit de l’entreprise (Anthemis, 2024) qui constitue le support de cours.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law

Bachelor in Law French-English