Dutch Language

bhddr1150  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Dutch Language
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Boutsen Isolde (coordinator); De Munter Astrid (coordinator);
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1°) to sufficiently understand a written or audio document (press article, interview, continuous text, etc.)
2°) to be able to detect and identify the main ideas in a document (to be able to structurally summarise a written or audio document)
3°) to be able to express a critical opinion about a document
4°) to make a written summary of a short text (i.e. a press article)
5°) to understand and be able to express ones thoughts about an audio document (audio or video)
The main aim of the course is to develop written and oral expression, as well as comprehension of original texts, reports and video extracts. The content is taken from the Dutch-language media (Flanders and the Netherlands) and deals with legal issues linked to societal themes. Students will also read a Dutch-language work of fiction and review basic Dutch grammar. At the end of the course, the student will be able to solve the summary exercises and pass the oral exams.
Teaching methods
Interactive course based on :
- The processing of 7 files made up of texts from the current press and visual and sound recordings (VRT, Canvas...). The course includes discussions and exercises on their content, as well as the study of their vocabulary.
- Theoretical reminders of grammar are given in class, and practical exercises are mainly done at home. Corrections are made using the keys provided and revisions made in class.
- Reading the book Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg (Rodaan Al Galidi, published by Leeslicht, 2017, 134p.).
It goes without saying that effective and regular participation in the course is required, as is preparation for the exercises indicated by the teachers. Teachers reserve the right to check that students have completed the required tasks and, if necessary, to exclude students from the course if they fail to comply with the instructions.
It is imperative that students consult Moodle on a weekly basis and read ALL the announcements, in order to come prepared for the course and the exam. If students wish to contact their teacher, they must indicate the name of the course (BHDDR1150) in their e-mail. If the name of the course is not included in the e-mail, the professor reserves the right not to reply.
Course attendance is compulsory. If a student does not attend a class, he or she must send proof of absence to his or her professor and to the faculty administration within 24 hours (working days) of the absence. After this deadline, the proof of absence will be considered inadmissible and the absence unjustified. Unjustified absence from several sessions may lead to a reduction in the mark obtained at the end of the year.
Evaluation methods
The assessment covers all the material taught in the course and includes :
A:         A written examination in the first term, to be held out-of-session during the week of 16 December 2024 and worth 30% of the final weighting. The examination will cover the material taught in class.
B:         A written and oral examination in the second term. This is worth 70% of the total weighting.
- The written part will take place out-of-session during the week of 5 or 12 May 2025 and is worth 50% of the final weighting. The exam covers the material taught in class, the book Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg and the comprehension of a new text.
- The oral part will take place after Easter (dates to be determined) and is worth 20% of the final weighting. The examination will be based on an individual presentation (see page 7 of the syllabus).
The student obtains a single mark for the whole year.
If the student has not obtained an average of 10/20 in December, he or she will sit a single examination in May, which will include the material from both terms. If the student has not obtained an average of 10/20 at the end of the year, he or she will sit an exam in August covering the entire year's work. This exam consists of a written part (80% of the mark) and an oral part (20% of the mark), but the student may be exempted from the oral part if it was passed in May.
If a student is absent from any part of the assessment, he or she will receive a final mark of 0A. If the absence is justified by a medical certificate sent to the faculty administration within 24 hours, a final mark of 0M will be given. The student will be allowed to re-sit the exam, but only during the following session. No exceptions will be granted.
N.B. A dispensatory exam is organized in person via the ELAO platform in September; students obtaining a mark equal to or higher than 16/20 will be excused from the course for the year. Details of how to register for the exemption test will be published on the valves and the website. (‘Back to School Week’ page).
Use of online tools :
If the student chooses to use one or more online tools (translators, artificial intelligence, spelling and grammar checking tools), he or she is required to systematically indicate all the parts that have been subject to this use, for example by indicating it in footnotes. The student must specify the purpose(s) for which the tool was used (information, writing, correction). They should also mention the name of the tool (ChatGPT, Deepl, Bing, Bard, Chatsonic, etc.) and the date of consultation. This information will be systematically cited according to the bibliographic references stipulated by the teachers. However, students remain responsible for the content of their work, regardless of the sources used.
In order to ensure that the student's written work is personal, criteria such as originality, critical spirit, creativity and illustration with examples (e.g. from his/her own experience) will be taken into account.
Any behavior on the part of the student which prevents or attempts to prevent, in whole or in part, the correct assessment of his/her knowledge, skills and/or competences will be considered an irregularity and may result in sanctions.
Other information
Prerequisites : 
Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Documents fournis par le professeur sous forme de syllabus  
  • Livre : Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg de Rodaan Al Galidi (édition Leeslicht, 2017, 134p.)
  • La grammaire : par exemple La grammaire néerlandaise (collection Petits Sésames – Van In)
  • Les médias néerlandophones (journaux, revues, chaînes télévisées, radio…)
Teaching materials
  • HDDR1150
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule)