Foundations of Business Information Management

binge1135  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Foundations of Business Information Management
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • Explain the relevance of Information and communication technology (ICT) and Information Systems (IS) for management
  • Understand the strategic importance of ICT and IS
  • Apply ICT and IS practices in a business context
  • Use ICT and IS applications in other courses
  • Interpret the code of a computer algorithm
  • Explain the code of a computer algorithm
  • Develop a computer algorithm on the basis of a specification
- Information Systems in Global Business Today
- Global E-Business and Collaboration
- Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy
- Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

- IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies
- Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management
- Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology
- Securing Information Systems

Introduction to programming (by using Python)
What is an algorithm?
Control structures
- Sequences
- Choices (if)
- Loops (for en while)
Modular programming
- Functions
- Procedures
Teaching methods
Introduction to ICT management and infrastructure:
  • Independent study of the course book (equivalent to 15h of in class) 
  • Online self-evaluation tests on MoodleUSL-B
Introduction to programming:
  • 15 hours of face-to-face lectures
  • 15 hours of exercises in the computer lab
  • ​​​​​​​
Evaluation methods
The summative assessment is a written closed-book examination of three hours composed of two parts. 
The first part relates to the introduction to ICT management and infrastructure and assesses the student's ability to reproduce and paraphrase the definitions of concepts that make up the basic vocabulary of a computer scientist, as well as argue the importance of computer science in management as a synthesis of the curriculum.  
The second part relates to the introduction to programming. The questions will mix basic aspects (e.g., interpretation/understanding/evaluation of Python code), concepts seen in the course, and practical questions of algorithm development, and production of a program meeting a given specification. A “cheat sheet” containing a summary of relevant the Python syntax will be available during the exam. 
Students will need to pass both parts individually to pass the exam, be it with a tolerance. More precisely, the student’s final grade for the summative assessment will be average of the scores obtained for each part in case a score of at least 8/20 is obtained for each part individually. As soon at least one of both scores is below 8/20, the lowest score is the final grade.
Other information
There will be weekly office hours (2 hours per week) to answer student questions about the self-assessment and study method once the introduction to programming part is over. 
The Python “cheat sheet” and the online self-evaluation quizzes will be available on Moodle from the start of the semester on. 
Teaching materials
  • Management Information Systems : Managing the Digital Firm (16th edition) : Laudon & Laudon (656 pages) ISBN : 978-0-135-19179-8
  • Introduction to Python 3; Ignace Van de Woestyne & Jan Vanthienen (2021), self-published.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering