English: Language and Culture

bmhan1222  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English: Language and Culture
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing this unit, students should be able to:
• understand and explain the English language studied during the course;
• translate the vocabulary learned using appropriate equivalents in French;
• talk about the aspects studied in the Q2 lectures on “culture” using the relevant vocabulary.
This unit is also an opportunity for students to develop their oral proficiency. The unit's target level is the European Reference framework B2 level for languages (minimum level required to pass the Unit). Students learn to give a presentation and deepen their understanding of - and ability to use - the cultural features of the English language (usage, polite forms, register, etc.).
Written part: study of the English vocabulary by themes or key words and of aspects of Institutions and Society in the English-speaking world.
Oral part: each lecturer will link the oral and lecture parts of the course and adapt the manner and content of doing so part based on the size of the groups and the level of the students.

The course focuses on current news and culture items in the English-speaking world using the vocabulary and concepts studied in Q1 and Q2. After having revised various techniques of public speaking students will have the opportunity to do a presentation in front of their groups.
Teaching methods
A range of various exercises on the English language and its use.
This course is subdivided into two Quarters, each divided itself into two parts.
Q1 30 hours of lexicology and oral practice.
Q2 is made of 15 hours of lectures on the history of institutions and contemporary social issues and 15 hours of oral practice (role-playing, guided conversations, oral presentation, group work, etc.)
Evaluation methods
To obtain the credits related to a UE, the student must present all the parts of the exam relating to the UE.
Q1 and Q2 are each worth 50% of the June total.
Q1 grades (50%) A written exam with different types of questions on the vocabulary studied in class.
Q2 (50%)
Lectures (50% of Q2): written work (20%) and oral exam (30%).
Lexicology and oral practice (50%): written exam on the vocabulary studied (25% of Q2), oral presentation (25% of Q2).
August Session
Q1 50% written exam in the same format and content as the January session.
Lectures: (50% of Q2): exam identical to the June exam: written work (20%) and oral exam (30%).
Lexicology and oral practice part (50% of Q2):
Written exam of the same format and content as the Q2 exam (25% of Q2) and individual oral exam (25%).
If a presentation was not made during the academic year, it must be made during the oral exam in August.
In the event that a final grade of 10/20 or higher was obtained in June for a portion of the course, that part of the course must not be presented again in August. It will automatically be credited. It is therefore not possible to submit a second time a part of the course for which a grade of 10/20 or more was obtained.
La bibliographie sera communiquée au début du cours en septembre 2024.
Manuel utilisé pour la partie lexicologie aux Q1 et Q2 : English Vocabulary in Use : Advanced, McCarty-O'Dell, Third Edition, Oxford, 2017
Pour la partie Culture du Q2 : Linda Colley, ‘Acts of Union and Disunion’ (Profile Books, 2014); broché ISBN 9781781251850 ou livre électronique ISBN 9781782830139
The bibliography for this unit will be given at the beginning of the course in September 2024.
Textbook for the vocabulary part to be used in lexicology and oral practice in Q1 and Q2: English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced, McCarty-O'Dell, Third Edition, Oxford, 2017
Required reading for the culture lectures in Q2: Linda Colley, ‘Acts of Union and Disunion’ (Profile Books, 2014); paperback edition ISBN 9781781251850 or digital edition ISBN 9781782830139
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting