Spanish : Grammar In Practice

bmhes1111  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Spanish : Grammar In Practice
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing the Course Unit Grammar in Practice students should be able to:
• Apply the rules for verb phrases, noun phrases, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions both in/out of context (sentences, texts)
• Use correct grammar in context (moods, tenses, sentence analysis) with correct spelling (accentuation and spelling norms).
• Compare the different options that are available in a given context (sentence, text) taking into account differences in meaning or use.
• Elementary grammar focusing on the verb phrase, the noun phrase, the adverb, the preposition and the conjunction.
• Practical applied language tasks designed to ensure that on completing the course students have a command of the basic language functions as set out in the ‘European Reference Framework for Languages' (level A - Writing).
Study of Spanish spelling rules.
Teaching methods
• Group correction and tutor's analysis and commentary on exercises completed by students in advance of classes.
• Preparation before (i.e. away from) classes and active participation in class is required.
Evaluation methods
• Written exam comprising a range of question formats.
• MCQs (multiple choice, matching exercises, True-False), possibly eliminatory.
• Messages to complete.
• Grammar translation from A to B.
• Conjugation practice.
• Integrated summative assessment (written exam) at the end of the term in which a topic has been studied.
Q 1 is worth 30% and Q 2 is worth 70%.
Other information
Further documents and information are available from the distance learning platform.
Fernández J., Fente R., Siles J., (2005), Curso intensivo de español. Gramática, Madrid, SGEL
• Sanchez A., Martin E., Matilla J.A., (2003), Gramática práctica de español para extranjeros, Madrid, SGEL
• Perez Fr., Soubrier N., (2002), Dictionnaire des difficultés Français - Espagnol, Paris, Hatier Langues
• Duviols M., Villegier J., (1964), Grammaire espagnole, Paris, HATIER
• Sánchez A., Cantos Gómez P., (2005), 450 Ejercicios Gramaticales, Madrid, SGEL
• El arte de conjugar en español - Diccionario de 12000 verbos, Hatier, Coll. Bescherelle
• Palomino A.Ma, 100 verbos, Les 100 verbes espagnols les plus utiles, Ellipses
• Castro F., (2010), Uso de la Gramatica espanola, nivel elemental, Espagne, EDELSA.
• Castro F., (2010), Uso de la Gramatica espanola, nivel intermedio, Espagne, EDELSA.
• Ferrod A., Gendre Fr., (2007), ' Sé o Sepa ?, Apprendre ou réviser les bases de la conjugaison espagnole en s'amusant, niveau 1, France, Ellipses
• Mercier F., (2009), Espagnol 50 règles essentielles, France, Studyrama
• Molio M., (2010), Réviser son espagnol, France, Studyrama
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting