Dutch : Written Language Mastery

bmhne1131  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Dutch : Written Language Mastery
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing this introductory translation and text analysis course the Year 1 student should be able to:

- For a given foreign-language text, identify, where it is from (possible its author), its target public, the message it conveys and the linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical devices employed by the author to convey their message;
- Identify the key information that justified the writing of the text;
- Identify in the text the opinions expressed or otherwise conveyed by its author;
- Demonstrate they have learnt the vocabulary related to the topics addressed in the texts studied by reusing it in class when texts on similar topics are discussed;
- Outline the different opinions of the experts in translation/translation theory reviewed;
- Identify the stylistic strategies most commonly used by translators; - to analyse the translation of a text into their mother tongue from a foreign language by comparison with a parallel text.

On completing the lexicology part of the course the student should be able to demonstrate that they have learnt the vocabulary normally needed to be able to understand and communicate with ease at the upper intermediate (B2) level in the following situations:
- Private life (personal characteristics, family, & friends) ; the body and health; accommodation; places and directions ; the passage of time ; colours and shapes ; education ; the world of work ; recreation; transport ; food and drink. The student should be able to (1) offer synonyms and antonyms for words studied, define them, translate them and use them in context and (2) use them in a text related to one of the topics listed above.
Comprehension and introduction to the translation of written texts:
- A variety of texts and a variety of exercises;
- The principal approaches to translation, authors and main schools of thought, practical exercises.
Lexicology: a range of (illustrated) exercises on a series of topics related to everyday life.
Teaching methods
Reading comprehension and introduction to translation:
Students are confronted with texts in a foreign language. Various types of exercises are proposed in order to progressively refine the students' understanding of the message. The specific activity (introduction to translation) presents, in addition to an overview of the most frequently used translation processes, a reflective part in which important authors and currents are presented, as well as a series of practical exercises.

Lexicology :
Students complete various (and illustrated) exercises on a range of topics from everyday life. The words and contexts proposed are among the most frequent in the Dutch language. The lectures are commented by the other students under the guidance of the teacher. The students carry out reading and writing work throughout the year.
Evaluation methods
Comprehension and introduction to the translation of written texts: A written exam on the material studied during the Course is taken at the end of the Course. This includes several authentic texts and diverse exercises designed to test students' comprehension. Students are also required to present a piece of work involving the reading, in parallel, of a text in Dutch and its French translation. This work must be handed in during the last week of class. Certification evaluation in the form of a written exam.

First quadrimester (Reading Comprehension part): 2-hour written exam. Students are not allowed to consult their syllabus or to use other books.
Second semester (Introduction to Translation) : 2-hour written exam. Students are not allowed to consult their syllabus or to use other works.

Lexicology: First term: Summative assessment in the form of two compulsory written assessments whose marks are added together.
Second term: Summative assessment in the form of a written exam in June.
A variety of questions on the different topics mentioned above. The work related to the "lexicology" part is to be handed in the week before teh Spring holiday.

MHNE1131A - Néerlandais : maîtrise de la langue écrite I [1 Q. • 30 Ex. • Pond. : 30] Christian Marcipont, Guy Sirjacobs
MHNE1131B - Néerlandais : maîtrise de la langue écrite II [2 Q. • 30 Ex. • Pond. : 70] Christian Marcipont, Guy Sirjacobs
Donnée et commentée au cours.
Compréhension à la lecture et Initiation à la traduction : syllabi et un roman néerlandais, ainsi que sa traduction française, à déterminer pour le travail de lecture parallèle.
Lexicologie : syllabus et un livre en néerlandais à déterminer.
Teaching materials
  • Maîtrise de la langue écrite Partie 1, Maîtrise la langue écrite partie 2, Maîtrise de la langue écrite, Lexicologie
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting