The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
At the end of the activity "Introduction to consecutive interpreting", the student should be able to: - correctly reproduce in French the information of an oral presentation in Dutch without taking notes. The student will have understood during the course that the aim of consecutive interpreting is to reproduce the essence of the information as accurately as possible (importance of analysis), and this after the speaker has finished his/her speech. - disregard the grammatical structure and idiom of Dutch when rephrasing in French. - assimilate a presentation of about five minutes and then reproduce it. The student will have to reproduce the content of this presentation grammatically and stylistically in French. He/she will pay attention to the correct speaking technique, i.e. pronunciation, intonation, voice control and rhythm. At the end of the activity "Preliminary oral summaries", the student should be able to: - produce a calibrated synthesis (of imposed minimum and maximum length) containing the main arguments of the speech while ignoring minor elements. At the end of the "liaison interpreting" activity, the student will be able to: - produce a calibrated synthesis (of imposed minimum and maximum length) containing the main arguments of the speech while ignoring minor elements. - transmit the original message in French and Dutch in a liaison interpreting situation, demonstrating his/her command of French and Dutch by taking ownership of the speech, conveying the speaker's train of thought, using the relevant communication register and according to the communication conventions specific to the context; - be able to handle Dutch and French perfectly and to use them with a good level of accuracy in order to convey all the subtleties of meaning; - a thorough understanding of Dutch and French, in all its nuances, in order to be able to grasp a variety of topics and thematic reasoning; - demonstrate a solid general knowledge and maintain a spirit of curiosity in order to constantly expand it; - analyse, where necessary, the presuppositions and allusions of the discourse in order to render them in their interpretation in French; - develop strategies for documentary and terminological research; - demonstrate flexibility and alertness to adapt to new and immediate communication situations; - demonstrate perseverance and self-control, especially in stressful situations. |
Introduction to consecutive interpreting:
- The speeches to be interpreted include various current political, social, cultural and economic issues and will reflect the professional reality of an interpreter. Students will interpret recorded or live speeches by native speakers. The exercises are introduced by a presentation of the specific terminology, theme and context of the text.
Preliminary oral summaries:
- Oral summaries in French of texts from current affairs in Flanders and the Netherlands.
Liaison interpreting:
- The speeches to be interpreted include various current affairs issues. The students are confronted with live speeches by native speakers.
- The speeches to be interpreted include various current political, social, cultural and economic issues and will reflect the professional reality of an interpreter. Students will interpret recorded or live speeches by native speakers. The exercises are introduced by a presentation of the specific terminology, theme and context of the text.
Preliminary oral summaries:
- Oral summaries in French of texts from current affairs in Flanders and the Netherlands.
Liaison interpreting:
- The speeches to be interpreted include various current affairs issues. The students are confronted with live speeches by native speakers.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face course.
Consecutive interpreting:
The courses aim to install consecutive interpreting techniques through practical exercises in consecutive interpreting from Dutch into French. Students will develop their interpreting skills through exercises on texts that will gradually become longer as the course progresses. The students' performances are followed by a detailed commentary by the teacher. The emphasis is on in-depth and nuanced understanding of the message, appropriation of the discourse, quality of the language at a good level of accuracy and communication.
Preliminary oral summaries:
Preliminary oral synthesis activities aim to strengthen students' comprehension skills, particularly with regard to the structure of a presentation, through a progressive methodology focusing on the development of active listening, concentration skills and the ability to reformulate content in French.
Liaison interpreting:
This activity aims to install liaison interpreting techniques. The course consists of practical exercises in Dutch-French liaison interpreting followed by detailed teacher feedback on the student's performance. The emphasis is on in-depth and nuanced understanding of the message, appropriation of the discourse, quality of the language at a good level of accuracy and communication.
Consecutive interpreting:
The courses aim to install consecutive interpreting techniques through practical exercises in consecutive interpreting from Dutch into French. Students will develop their interpreting skills through exercises on texts that will gradually become longer as the course progresses. The students' performances are followed by a detailed commentary by the teacher. The emphasis is on in-depth and nuanced understanding of the message, appropriation of the discourse, quality of the language at a good level of accuracy and communication.
Preliminary oral summaries:
Preliminary oral synthesis activities aim to strengthen students' comprehension skills, particularly with regard to the structure of a presentation, through a progressive methodology focusing on the development of active listening, concentration skills and the ability to reformulate content in French.
Liaison interpreting:
This activity aims to install liaison interpreting techniques. The course consists of practical exercises in Dutch-French liaison interpreting followed by detailed teacher feedback on the student's performance. The emphasis is on in-depth and nuanced understanding of the message, appropriation of the discourse, quality of the language at a good level of accuracy and communication.
Evaluation methods
This course consists of two separate parts (consecutive interpreting / preliminary oral synthesis and liaison interpreting) and therefore separate examinations. The overall mark for the unit is an average calculated as follows.
Weighting of each test in the final mark: 70% for "consecutive interpreting and preliminary oral summaries", 30% for "liaison interpreting".
Consecutive interpreting and preliminary oral summaries:
Oral examination in the first/second session: a single consecutive interpreting performance similar to the exercises carried out during the course sessions.
Liaison interpreting:
Continuous certification assessment in the form of a minimum of 4 liaison interpreting performances.
Examination in August/September: a single certification performance of liaison interpreting similar to the exercises carried out during the course sessions.
To obtain the credits attached to a UE, the student must have taken the examinations/assessments covering all the parts of the UE during the same session. Unjustified absence from an examination/assessment covering one of the parts will result in a mark of absence (0A) for the entire EU in the session concerned.
If you fail the course you are invited to consult the detailed marks on the MOODLE page for the course. A mark of 10/20 or above for a part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second session and may not be repeated, provided that all parts have been taken. If you are absent or fail to attend one of the parts, your mark will not be carried over.
Weighting of each test in the final mark: 70% for "consecutive interpreting and preliminary oral summaries", 30% for "liaison interpreting".
Consecutive interpreting and preliminary oral summaries:
Oral examination in the first/second session: a single consecutive interpreting performance similar to the exercises carried out during the course sessions.
Liaison interpreting:
Continuous certification assessment in the form of a minimum of 4 liaison interpreting performances.
Examination in August/September: a single certification performance of liaison interpreting similar to the exercises carried out during the course sessions.
To obtain the credits attached to a UE, the student must have taken the examinations/assessments covering all the parts of the UE during the same session. Unjustified absence from an examination/assessment covering one of the parts will result in a mark of absence (0A) for the entire EU in the session concerned.
If you fail the course you are invited to consult the detailed marks on the MOODLE page for the course. A mark of 10/20 or above for a part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second session and may not be repeated, provided that all parts have been taken. If you are absent or fail to attend one of the parts, your mark will not be carried over.
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