Russian : Grammar In Practice

bmhru1111  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Russian : Grammar In Practice
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

Specific Target Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
On completing this Unit students should:
- Be able to put their theoretical expertise in the morphology and basic syntax of contemporary Russian into practice in both written and oral expression.
- With the goal of understanding oral and written discourse and thereby by the same token the translation process: be able to understand simple sentences and texts by correctly identifying and interpreting their constituent morphological and syntactic components in context.
- With regard to written and oral expression in language C: be able to express or complete simple sentences or messages, reproducing these with correct morphological and syntactic forms that are appropriate for the category of discourse concerned.
- With regard to passive comprehension during the translation process: be able to recognise specific non-standard or archaic components.
I. Morphology : General Introduction - The alphabet - Aspects of phonetics - Declension of nouns, adjectives and pronouns in the singular and plural (+ principal exceptions, stress system) - Short form of the adjective (formation + use), derivation of adverbs, degrees of comparison/superlative - Case by case study of the principal functions and use of prepositions - Conjugation : present, past, future, imperative, conditional - for all verbs (regular, archaic, irregular + stress system) - Aspects of the verb : rules for the formation and derivation of aspectual pairs, principal functions of the use of aspect - Simple verbs of movement (without prefixes) : meaning and uses.

II. Syntax : Simple sentences - Introduction to compound sentences (principal subordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns).
Teaching methods
Face-to-face, first and second term, 60 hours of theory and exercises.
- The theory of Russian grammar is presented in lecture format in the classroom
- Exercise-based grammar practice
- Homework - personal or in groups - is devoted to acquiring the theoretical foundations of Russian grammar and to mastering grammar through practice (in syllabuses or on e-learning platforms such as Moodle).

Languages of instruction : Russian (exercises) and French (theory)
Evaluation methods
• The final evaluation (summative evaluation) comprises two written exams (one for each quarter). Each exam comprises a variety of question types, exclusively focused on practical exercises designed to verify the student's understanding of the theory.

• Summative assessment counts for 100% of the course unit's final mark. The first academic term exam counts for 30 %, and the second academic term exam counts for 70 % of the final mark.

• A pass grade of the course is considered with an overall mark of at 10 out of 20 or higher. An overall mark inferior to 10 out of 20 will be considered a fail grade.
If you fail the written exam in the January session (AA Q1), the examination may be retaken in the June session.
If at the June session your final integrated mark for the UE is less than 10/20, only the failed AA(s) will be retaken in the August-September session.
If, at the August-September session, the student's final integrated mark for the certification assessment of the UE is less than 10/20 and if the student does not obtain an overall pass mark, all the written tests for the certification assessment of the UE (100%) must be retaken during the following academic year.
During the course of one examination session, the student will be granted all the credits linked to the UE as long as he or she has taken the exam for the two parts of that same session. Any unjustified absence at an exam for any of the two parts will results in an overall absence mark (0A) for the entire session. However, a pass grade acquired during a former session of the same academic year will be "frozen" until the student has taken the exam for the two parts ot the UE.
Attendance and participation in the course are required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations governing studies and examinations, the professor has the right to propose to the jury to refuse to register in the January, June or August-september sessions the student who has not attended at least 80% of the course.
Other information
The use of telephones, smartphones or any other similar device is forbidden during class sessions. Unless there is an urgent reason, justified and negotiated with the teacher, these electronic devices must be switched off (at least in "aeroplane" mode) and put away in the bags for the duration of each session. In any case, they may not be used as lesson aids.
• Syllabus de théorie & syllabus d'exercices mis à disposition par le professeur (en version électronique sur la plateforme Moodle et en version imprimée par l’intermédiaire du Service de reprographie de l'université).
• Voir la bibliographie fournie par le professeur dans les syllabus.
• Course Handouts (syllabus) provided by the course tutor, available on the Moodle platform (electronic version) and via the university Reprography Service (printed version);
• See the bibliography provided by the course tutor in the Course Programme Handouts (syllabus).
Teaching materials
  • • Syllabus de théorie & syllabus d'exercices mis à disposition par le professeur (en version électronique sur la plateforme Moodle et en version imprimée par l’intermédiaire du Service de reprographie de l'université).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting