The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
On completing this Unit, students should be able to: - Understand the overall meaning as well as the detail of simple written texts (narratives, descriptions, letters) in Russian; - Reply, in Russian or in French, to questions of a general nature but also more specific questions relating to the texts studied; - Master the basic structures of written Russian ; - Use the basic Russian vocabulary included in the Course Handout (approx.. 1300 words) - Write short texts (letters or stories) employing the vocabulary and structures learnt during the course - Translate simple sentences from French into Russian using the Russian structures studied during the course |
Elementary course. Typical standard written texts highlighting the structures studied in class with a view to building students' familiarity with and automatic use of them. Reading out loud or silent reading of simple, varied texts (stories, descriptions, letters) of increasing length and sophistication. Explanations and verification of students' overall and detailed understanding (convergent/divergent thinking). Translation into Russian of simple French sentences enabling students to apply the Russian structures studied.
Teaching methods
Course Notes are structured around individual lessons each of which comprises material on the basic structures and vocabulary of the written Russian language, as well as a variety of exercises and texts.
Each of these basic structures are studied and students apply the theory through practical written exercises with a view to building their familiarity with and ‘automatic' or reflexive use of them.
Reading and verification of students' understanding of the texts through question-answer, sentence completion, paraphrasing, and true/false tasks.
Short writing tasks (stories/letters).
Students are encouraged to regularly work at home on a selection of the exercises in the Course Programme Handout. Their work is corrected and personalised feedback is provided.
Course Notes are structured around individual lessons each of which comprises material on the basic structures and vocabulary of the written Russian language, as well as a variety of exercises and texts.
Each of these basic structures are studied and students apply the theory through practical written exercises with a view to building their familiarity with and ‘automatic' or reflexive use of them.
Reading and verification of students' understanding of the texts through question-answer, sentence completion, paraphrasing, and true/false tasks.
Short writing tasks (stories/letters).
Students are encouraged to regularly work at home on a selection of the exercises in the Course Programme Handout. Their work is corrected and personalised feedback is provided.
Evaluation methods
Written exam: a series of exercises designed to verify that the student has learnt the grammar and vocabulary covered. Short written task in Russian. Translation of sentences from French into Russian. Reading comprehension.
Restitution of the content of a text to read at home.
Remote online exam if stricter social distancing measures are required due to Covid-19.
Restitution of the content of a text to read at home.
Remote online exam if stricter social distancing measures are required due to Covid-19.
Lectures recommandées : quelques romans russes classiques/ Collection « lire en russe », « livre de poche ».
Notes de cours papier « MHRU1131A et B. Maîtrise de la langue écrite ». Notes de cours associées sur l'e-learning.
Notes de cours papier « MHRU1131A et B. Maîtrise de la langue écrite ». Notes de cours associées sur l'e-learning.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting