The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
At the end of the course, the student will demonstrate the ability to : - translate a text of a medium or advanced level of specialisation into good quality French (orthographic, grammatical, stylistic and lexical), making good use of the resources of the French language (collocations, idiomatic expressions, etc.); - identify the function of the text (to inform, to address a response, to polemicise, to promote, etc.) and the components of the message it conveys; - transmit this message in French, respecting the author's intentions, the style and register of the original text and avoiding the pitfalls of copying; - produce a translation that shows that he/she has understood and analysed all aspects of a text written in Turkish; - apply with discernment the translation procedures seen in B1 and B2 in order to solve the difficulties inherent in the source text; - check the meaning of words by judiciously using bilingual and unilingual dictionaries; - validate the relevance of his/her translation choices by using, if necessary, and with the necessary distance, the electronic resources offered by several websites. |
Written translation C->A: a set of feature articles, usually from the weekly or monthly press, which the students must translate: individually. Pooling and correction in class. For the sight translation, the students will be asked to quickly decode the content of a text written in C and to render it orally in French, after a brief preparation. The correction will be individual.
Teaching methods
Second term:
- 15 hours of sight translation exercises;
- 30 hours of written translation exercises.
Attendance is required.
- 15 hours of sight translation exercises;
- 30 hours of written translation exercises.
Attendance is required.
Evaluation methods
Second term :
- Written translation: written exam in June. Translation into French of a text on a theme similar to the text(s) seen in the course (75% of the EU mark);
- Sight translation: oral examination.
August/September session: only students who have failed the whole of MHTU1352 must retake the part(s) they have failed.
- Written translation: written examination in August/September. Translation into French of a text on a theme similar to the text(s) seen in the course;
- Sight translation: students who do not pass will have to sit a laboratory exam. This will be similar to the exercises carried out during the course.
The written exams (written translation), which are normally held face-to-face, can be adapted as distance written exams if the health context so requires.
To obtain the credits associated with a UE, the student must sit all the parts of the examination relating to the UE (whether they relate to learning activities - AA - or parts of the course).
If you fail the UE, you are invited to consult the details of the marks on the MOODLE page of the course. A mark of 10/20 or above for a part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second session and may not be repeated, provided that all parts have been taken. If you are absent or fail to attend one of the parts, your marks will not be carried over.
- Written translation: written exam in June. Translation into French of a text on a theme similar to the text(s) seen in the course (75% of the EU mark);
- Sight translation: oral examination.
August/September session: only students who have failed the whole of MHTU1352 must retake the part(s) they have failed.
- Written translation: written examination in August/September. Translation into French of a text on a theme similar to the text(s) seen in the course;
- Sight translation: students who do not pass will have to sit a laboratory exam. This will be similar to the exercises carried out during the course.
The written exams (written translation), which are normally held face-to-face, can be adapted as distance written exams if the health context so requires.
To obtain the credits associated with a UE, the student must sit all the parts of the examination relating to the UE (whether they relate to learning activities - AA - or parts of the course).
If you fail the UE, you are invited to consult the details of the marks on the MOODLE page of the course. A mark of 10/20 or above for a part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second session and may not be repeated, provided that all parts have been taken. If you are absent or fail to attend one of the parts, your marks will not be carried over.
Lectures recommandées : articles de presse en turc et en français.
Recommended reading: press articles in Turkish and French.
Recommended reading: press articles in Turkish and French.
Faculty or entity