The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Main themes
Theoretical and technical aspects of the method are examined from the viewpoint of the psychological machinery involved in the interrelationship and of methodological limitations.
The following points are covered : defining support criteria in the clinical field; teleology; observation and listening techniques; statement of need; assistance techniques.
During the practical work, the students are invited to engage in support role playacting, in small groups, on the basis of scenarios taken from actual criminological settings.
The following points are covered : defining support criteria in the clinical field; teleology; observation and listening techniques; statement of need; assistance techniques.
During the practical work, the students are invited to engage in support role playacting, in small groups, on the basis of scenarios taken from actual criminological settings.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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Psychological and social support is a clinical observation method used in the field of research, for individual examination and for helping others. The course seeks to provide a critical knowledge of the method and to familiarize the criminology student with the method. |
Teaching methods
Teorical course : 15h based on teacher's clinical practice.
A broad place(15h) is reserved for the dialogue with the students.
Talks and role plaies by small groups under the supervision of an assistant. The scenarios of the role plaies are collected near criminologists experts starting from situations really met.
A broad place(15h) is reserved for the dialogue with the students.
Talks and role plaies by small groups under the supervision of an assistant. The scenarios of the role plaies are collected near criminologists experts starting from situations really met.
•BARTHELEMY E., MEERSEMAN C., SERVAIS J.-F., Confidentialité et secret professionnel : Enjeux pour une société démocratique, Bruxelles,, 2011
•BLANCHET A., GOTMAN A., L’entretien, Malakoff, Armand Colin, 2015
•BIVORT Ph., « La métaphore du cadre », In KINOO Ph., MEYNCKENS-FOUREZ M., VANDER BORGHT Ch. (dir.), Supervision en institution et analyse des pratiques. Eloge du conflit et du plaisir, Louvain-la-Neuve, De Boeck, 2019, p. 89-99
•LEGRAND M., L’approche biographique, Desclée-De Brouwer, 1993
•LEGRAND M., de GAULEJAC V. de et al., Intervenir par le récit de vie, entre histoire collective et individuelle, Ramonville Saint Agne, Erès, 2008
•LOEVENBRUCK H., Le mystères des voix intérieures, France, Denoël, 2022
•MARTIN M., « Le cadre thérapeutique à l’épreuve de la réalité », Les Cahiers de psychologie clinique, 2001/2, 17, p. 103-120
•RICOEUR P., Temps et récits (3 tomes), Paris, Seuil, 1983-1985
•RICOEUR P., Soi-même comme un autre, Paris, Seuil, 1990
•RICOEUR P., Ecrits et conférences 1 : Autour de la psychanalyse, Paris, Seuil, 2008
•VIAUX J.-L., « Les paradoxes de l’expertise psychologique », Le Journal des psychologues, 2012/7, 300, p. 66-72
•WINNICOTT D.W., « Cure », In MARIN C., WORMS F., A quel soin se fier? Conversations avec Winnicott, Paris, P.U.F., 2015
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Criminology