The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h + 30.0 h
LFIAL1770 or equivalent level
Main themes
Study of classical Greek grammar (school level): morphology (nominal and verbal) and basic syntax. In addition, basic vocabulary and translation of short (versions) and long (cursive) texts are taught.
Designed as a continuation of the elementary course, Greek I (LFIAL 1770), which it is intended to consolidate and deepen, this course will address the following themes:
1. All nominal, adjectival and pronominal morphology, as well as the syntax of cases,
2. All verb conjugation (including accentuation), as well as tense and mode values,
3. The syntax of subordinate clauses (relative, completive including interrogative, participial, infinitive),
4. Analysis and translation of texts (versions),
5. Sporadically, imitation "theme" exercises (translations from French into Greek),
6. Lastly, students will work autonomously on a cursive reading of a longer text, in this case passages from Xenophon.
The practical sessions are devoted to deepening the theoretical notions learned in the course, through the completion of exercises (morphology, version, theme).
By the end of this course, students will have fully assimilated all the grammar points listed above: they will be able to analyse any nominal form (in the broad sense: including adjectives and pronouns) and verbal form encountered in a text. They will know and understand the tenses and modes specific to Greek. As a result of their knowledge of the syntax of simple and complex sentences (including relative and completive subordinates), they will be able to translate and analyse texts in Greek, of a level similar to that practised during the academic year, as well as carrying out imitation "themes" (translations into Greek).
1. All nominal, adjectival and pronominal morphology, as well as the syntax of cases,
2. All verb conjugation (including accentuation), as well as tense and mode values,
3. The syntax of subordinate clauses (relative, completive including interrogative, participial, infinitive),
4. Analysis and translation of texts (versions),
5. Sporadically, imitation "theme" exercises (translations from French into Greek),
6. Lastly, students will work autonomously on a cursive reading of a longer text, in this case passages from Xenophon.
The practical sessions are devoted to deepening the theoretical notions learned in the course, through the completion of exercises (morphology, version, theme).
By the end of this course, students will have fully assimilated all the grammar points listed above: they will be able to analyse any nominal form (in the broad sense: including adjectives and pronouns) and verbal form encountered in a text. They will know and understand the tenses and modes specific to Greek. As a result of their knowledge of the syntax of simple and complex sentences (including relative and completive subordinates), they will be able to translate and analyse texts in Greek, of a level similar to that practised during the academic year, as well as carrying out imitation "themes" (translations into Greek).
Teaching methods
Lecture and interactive course: the theoretical principles studied in the lecture course will be integrated through the active participation of the students during the course, as well as during the practical sessions.
Regular study of the theoretical knowledges taught in the course is essential and must be exercised through constant participation.
Homeworks are frequently required and formative tests will be organised during both parts of the course.
Regular study of the theoretical knowledges taught in the course is essential and must be exercised through constant participation.
Homeworks are frequently required and formative tests will be organised during both parts of the course.
Evaluation methods
The course will be assessed in several ways:
- continuous assessment by means of assessments carried out during the practical sessions and a mid-course test carried out during the course. This part is worth 20% of the final grade in June. In the event of failure, it will no longer be assessed in the second session.
- an oral and written examination in June:
- oral assessment in cursive worth 25% of the final June grade. If failure in June, this skill will be examined orally in the second session.
- a written version (translation of a Greek text) examination worth 25% of the final June grade. If failure in June, this skill will be examined through a written exam in the second session.
- a written grammar exam worth 30% of the final June grade. If failure in June, this skill will be examined through a written exam in the second session.
- continuous assessment by means of assessments carried out during the practical sessions and a mid-course test carried out during the course. This part is worth 20% of the final grade in June. In the event of failure, it will no longer be assessed in the second session.
- an oral and written examination in June:
- oral assessment in cursive worth 25% of the final June grade. If failure in June, this skill will be examined orally in the second session.
- a written version (translation of a Greek text) examination worth 25% of the final June grade. If failure in June, this skill will be examined through a written exam in the second session.
- a written grammar exam worth 30% of the final June grade. If failure in June, this skill will be examined through a written exam in the second session.
Online resources
Please, see the Moodle page of the course.
Manuel de référence: Vernhes, Jean-Victor, Ἕρμαιον (Hermaion). Initiation au grec ancien (2020 ou une édition antérieure).
Grammaire de référence: Planque et al., Grammaire grecque, 8e édition, Namur, 1977.
Grammaire de référence: Planque et al., Grammaire grecque, 8e édition, Namur, 1977.
Teaching materials
- Des documents reprenant la théorie présentée dans le manuel et les exercices figurent sur la page Moodle du cours.
- Dans la continuité du cours de Grec I, il est demandé aux étudiant·es de disposer du manuel de Vernhes, Jean-Victor, Ἕρμαιον (Hermaion). Initiation au grec ancien (2020 ou une édition antérieure).
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Classics
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General
Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures
Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology
Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome