Research and technological development: energy, electronics and telecommunications

linge1317  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Research and technological development: energy, electronics and telecommunications
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
30.0 h + 7.5 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
The course is divided into 2 parts. T he first part consists of an introduction to key concepts of thermodynamics, heat transfer and energy and address the problem of environmental issues. The second part is devoted to the study of electrical, technology, integrated circuits, and discusses the key concepts of electronic analog and digital as well as basic concepts and techniques to understand the telecommunications network architecture.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The course aims to give students the technological base in the fields of energy and environment, electronics and telecommunications, to enable it to understand the specific language of science and collaborate and interact with specialists in these fields. The course also aims to make possible the implementation of a project in control.

Energy and environment

This part addresses the various topics (depending on the current events and on the choices of the students, see "Teaching methods") related to the energy trnasition and the climate change challenges.


This part addresses the fundamentals of telecommunication networks:
  • Signal modulation and transmission
  • Introduction to coding
  • TCP/IP architecture from physical links to applications
  • Introduction to cryptography and applications (electronic signature, blockchain, ...)
  • Introduction to  artificial intelligence
Teaching methods
The energy and environment part consists of two activities. At the beginning of the term, during 4 to 5 sessions, the students choose (by vote) the content of the following presentation. Then, students continue to explore the themes related to the energy transition by listening independently to at least 5 episodes of the Exergie podcast. They will then produce their own podcast episode. To this end, an audience session will provide the basic principles for conducting a podcast. During this phase, there will be a standby session.
For the electronics and telecommunications part, lectures are given. Course notes, copies of transparencies and possibly articles for further reading will be made available to the students. Additional references to books will be given by the teachers.
In both parts of the course, ethical issues related to the challenges of technological innovations will be addressed. The students are invited to actively address them.
Evaluation methods

Partie électronique et télécommunications

Written examination with open questions and/or MCQs

Partie énergie et environnement

Students will submit a podcast episode of approximately 15 minutes in length on a topic of their choice related to the topics covered in the podcast episodes they have listened to. The reflective process leading up to the production of this episode will also be assessed. The reflective process leading up to the podcast episode will also be assessed, and should be accompanied by the submission of the podcast in any form (e.g. short written report, audio recording, mind map, ...).
Please note: in view of the organisation of this part of the course, the podcast and the reflective process will be assessed only once during the term of the course (and will not therefore be the subject of a second session); the mark obtained is deemed to be attached to each of the examination sessions of the academic year (RGEE Article 78).
Other information
The score for the course corresponds to the geometrical mean of the two parts (a 0 is replaced by a 2 to avoid absorbing score).
In case of failure, the student may ask to keep the score of the part superior or equal to 10.
Online resources
see moodle site of the course
Des notes de cours, des copies de transparents et éventuellement d'articles pour lectures complémentaires seront mises à la disposition des étudiants. Des références complémentaires d'ouvrage seront données par les enseignants.
Les épisodes du podcast Exergie.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Scientific Culture

Bachelor : Business Engineering