The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h
> English-friendly
> English-friendly
This course is focused on drugs acting on (1) the central nervous system drugs and (2) the hormonal system as well as (3) anti-infective and anti-cancer chemotherapy.
Teaching methods
Lectures (classroom and/or remote)
Evaluation methods
The assessment consists of a written exam. Written exam that may include multiple-choice questions and/or open-ended questions. The overall weighting is reflecting the importance of each part of the course . Students showing insufficient knowledge in one of the parts of the course could be penalized.
Slideshows made available to students + Belgian Répertoire commenté des médicaments (edited by the centre belge d’information pharmacothérapeutique ; available free of charge)
- Livre de référence en pharmacologie : Rang & Dale's Pharmacology : ISBN 10 : 0-7020-3471-1 ; ISBN 13 : 978-0-7020-3471-8 ; CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE
Ouvrage de référence en pharmacothérapie : Di Piro : La pharmacothérapie, une approche physiopathologique ; ISBN13 : 9780071478991 ; ISBN10 : 007147899X ; MC GRAW HILLReference book in pharmacology : Rang & Dale's Pharmacology: ISBN 10: 0-7020-3471-1 ; ISBN 13: 978-0-7020-3471-8 ; CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE - Reference book in pharmacotherapy: Di Piro : Pharmacotherapy, a pathophysiological approach ; ISBN13: 9780071478991 ; ISBN10: 007147899X ; MC GRAW HILL
Teaching materials
- Slideshows made available to students + Belgian Répertoire commenté des médicaments (online))
- Diaporamas mis à la disposition des étudiants + Répertoire commenté des médicaments belge (en ligne)
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Pharmacy