The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
12.00 credits
20.0 h + 40.0 h
Q1 and Q2
This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!
Professional integration activity
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
1. Pharmaceutical care approach applied to:
• Common MNSP requests and complaints
• Management of drug interactions: manipulation of sources and tools based on clinical vignettes
• Emergency contraception, pregnancy and breastfeeding: role-playing, what to do in the event of a request for emergency contraception, appropriate advice for pregnant and breastfeeding women
2. Vulnerable patients, detection and management at the pharmacy: specific support for elderly patients (i.e. renal failure, frailty), patients with heart failure, patients with cancer and advice on the delivery of high-risk drugs ( anticoagulants, drugs with a narrow therapeutic range)
3. BUM interviews (asthma, diabetes, pregnancy) including use of measuring devices commonly found in pharmacies: blood pressure monitor, inhalation devices, glucometer
4. Experiences of medico-pharmaceutical consultation around clinical cases requiring communication between the two professions: deprescribing, interactions, polypharmacy.
5. Testing and vaccination: complete training course in accordance with the legislation in force, including:
• A theoretical module: Essentials of vaccination in the pharmacy / Practical aspects (personal protective equipment, waste management, compliance with the cold chain) / Management of adverse vaccine events.
• A practical module: Nasopharyngeal sampling, vaccination procedure, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (in collaboration with WFARM2134 Management of acute situations)
6. Meeting with the various professional bodies: Professional unions, APB, pricing offices, insurance, Order, SSPF.
7. Communication en santé : renforcer les compétences des étudiants en termes de prévention et promotion de la santé, acquérir les réflexes d’une communication interpersonnelle et organisationnelle efficace en vue de :
• Accroître les connaissances du public en matière de santé et de favoriser leur mobilisation
• Influencer les comportements en vue de l’adoption de pratiques saines et en démontrer les avantages, favoriser l’adhésion à un traitement ou à des recommandations spécifiques.
• Défendre une position face à un problème de santé et débattre autour d’une idée fausse.
Cours théoriques comprenant les notions de base, ateliers de mise en pratique en petits groupes.
8. Sevrage tabagique : 2 h de Cours théorique et techniques d’entretien motivationnel visant à améliorer les chances de réussite du patient à l’officine.
• Common MNSP requests and complaints
• Management of drug interactions: manipulation of sources and tools based on clinical vignettes
• Emergency contraception, pregnancy and breastfeeding: role-playing, what to do in the event of a request for emergency contraception, appropriate advice for pregnant and breastfeeding women
2. Vulnerable patients, detection and management at the pharmacy: specific support for elderly patients (i.e. renal failure, frailty), patients with heart failure, patients with cancer and advice on the delivery of high-risk drugs ( anticoagulants, drugs with a narrow therapeutic range)
3. BUM interviews (asthma, diabetes, pregnancy) including use of measuring devices commonly found in pharmacies: blood pressure monitor, inhalation devices, glucometer
4. Experiences of medico-pharmaceutical consultation around clinical cases requiring communication between the two professions: deprescribing, interactions, polypharmacy.
5. Testing and vaccination: complete training course in accordance with the legislation in force, including:
• A theoretical module: Essentials of vaccination in the pharmacy / Practical aspects (personal protective equipment, waste management, compliance with the cold chain) / Management of adverse vaccine events.
• A practical module: Nasopharyngeal sampling, vaccination procedure, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (in collaboration with WFARM2134 Management of acute situations)
6. Meeting with the various professional bodies: Professional unions, APB, pricing offices, insurance, Order, SSPF.
7. Communication en santé : renforcer les compétences des étudiants en termes de prévention et promotion de la santé, acquérir les réflexes d’une communication interpersonnelle et organisationnelle efficace en vue de :
• Accroître les connaissances du public en matière de santé et de favoriser leur mobilisation
• Influencer les comportements en vue de l’adoption de pratiques saines et en démontrer les avantages, favoriser l’adhésion à un traitement ou à des recommandations spécifiques.
• Défendre une position face à un problème de santé et débattre autour d’une idée fausse.
Cours théoriques comprenant les notions de base, ateliers de mise en pratique en petits groupes.
8. Sevrage tabagique : 2 h de Cours théorique et techniques d’entretien motivationnel visant à améliorer les chances de réussite du patient à l’officine.
Teaching methods
This teaching unit is divided into three "arms":
15 hours of theoretical lessons given in an auditorium,
40 hours of seminars,
6 month internship (24 weeks) in a pharmacy.
During the main seminars, the students are divided into small groups. Role-playing and distance learning are an integral part of the seminars. Medico-pharmaceutical consultation experiences are offered as well as direct contact with the various professional bodies.
15 hours of theoretical lessons given in an auditorium,
40 hours of seminars,
6 month internship (24 weeks) in a pharmacy.
During the main seminars, the students are divided into small groups. Role-playing and distance learning are an integral part of the seminars. Medico-pharmaceutical consultation experiences are offered as well as direct contact with the various professional bodies.
Evaluation methods
Continuous evaluation at seminars
Written exam at the end of the year: it will focus on all the skills acquired at the end of the complete internship course. Skills relating to the resolution of clinical cases, to the pharmaceutical care process will be assessed by a closed-course written exam.
The use of sources and tools will be assessed through practical questions where the student uses a computer with access to sources of information seen during classes and seminars
Portfolio: the student completes it as his internship progresses, in collaboration with his internship supervisor. He records cases encountered during the internship and the process implemented to remedy them, the sources consulted, patient advice sheets, decision-making tools. This notebook must be in electronic format (eg: One Note) and will serve as a basis for the beginnings of his professional practice.
Internship Activity Report: This report includes attendance sheets, a mid-internship formative evaluation, and a final evaluation by the intern and internship supervisor. Meeting the deadlines for the entire Internship Activity Report is a prerequisite for taking the WFARM2256 written exam.
Mini-questions during seminars to validate acquired knowledge for the purpose of continuous assessment
Written exam at the end of the year: it will focus on all the skills acquired at the end of the complete internship course. Skills relating to the resolution of clinical cases, to the pharmaceutical care process will be assessed by a closed-course written exam.
The use of sources and tools will be assessed through practical questions where the student uses a computer with access to sources of information seen during classes and seminars
Portfolio: the student completes it as his internship progresses, in collaboration with his internship supervisor. He records cases encountered during the internship and the process implemented to remedy them, the sources consulted, patient advice sheets, decision-making tools. This notebook must be in electronic format (eg: One Note) and will serve as a basis for the beginnings of his professional practice.
Internship Activity Report: This report includes attendance sheets, a mid-internship formative evaluation, and a final evaluation by the intern and internship supervisor. Meeting the deadlines for the entire Internship Activity Report is a prerequisite for taking the WFARM2256 written exam.
Mini-questions during seminars to validate acquired knowledge for the purpose of continuous assessment
Teaching materials
- Slides mis à disposition par les enseignants Les références bibliographiques s’appuieront sur les recommandations belges et internationales en vigueur.
Faculty or entity