Pathophysiology of nutrition

wsbim2134  2025-2026  Bruxelles Woluwe

Pathophysiology of nutrition
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
This course aims to provide to the students the knowledge necessary to understand the physiology and pathophysiology of nutrition.
At the end of this course the student will be able to describe, discuss, formulate and use his/her knowledge of both physiology and physiopathology in the context of specific nutritional situations.
He/she will be able to analyze a pathological situation and apply his/her knowledge to propose one or more therapeutic approaches. 
The courses will cover the following themes:
1) the metabolic syndrome and its related disorders (physiopathology of obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, low-grade inflammation, etc.)
2) the intestinal barrier and the mechanisms controlling its functions
3) the enteric nervous system and its implications in the regulation of energy, carbohydrate and lipid homeostasis
4) pathophysiology of the development of diabetes, adaptation to fasting and hypoglycemia
5) undernutrition, cachexia and cancer
6) celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity
7) digestive disorders of athletes
8) impact of nutrition on the thyroid and associated diseases
9) diet as treatment for NASH and nutritional management of cirrhosis

The course is centered on concrete examples discussed and illustrated during the course.
Teaching materials
  • Diaporama (Moodle)
  • Littératures scientifiques et articles de revues
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Biomedicine

Advanced Master in Nutrition and Food Transition